ehsumrell1 -> RE: [] Game breaking Bug (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException) (2/10/2015 10:25:55 PM)
ORIGINAL: RoqueNE in this case, I play actually completely alone. To try different things. and.. i just realized, that's the error. when the automatic generation is disabled and no empires set manually, the game crash. with at least 1 other empire, it works. lol -_- So my first assumption was correct. As I recall, in my testing notes somewhere there was something that mentioned this error. It seems that due to ruins that are explored having the ability to trigger an event, such as 'awaking a sleeping race' or the like, then of course, an array error would naturally occur because the game engine would not have an empire race to point to. So not such a 'nasty' bug after all. @Bingeling: Yes, I too have tested DW and some mods the same way. But the errors that do eventually pop up I often anticipated and expected because I was privy to most of Elliot's game logic.