prinzeugen -> RE: How is the ai? (2/21/2015 1:08:54 AM)
We must be playing 2 different games! Ive been playing the latest beta version and none of the bugs have been fixed. If you play against Ally AI, the AI will invade Normandy and Southern France on the same turn! Then it decides to pull out of Southern France. (saw a message during Southern invasion something like: lacking available shipping) The game is pretty much over after that: the Germans know there will be no other invasion for a long time... Secondly, Ive heard of people exploiting the Garrison VP rules: that if you invade Southern France and then pull out, The Germans cant meet Garrison requirements and loss a ton of VPs and lose the game. Maybe they are connected??????? However you want to look at it--there is no playable game playing German vs AI! On the other hand, playing the Allies against a German AI, is pretty challenging.