RE: Piss poor design which can be exploited (Full Version)

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Peltonx -> RE: Piss poor design which can be exploited (2/15/2015 1:03:39 AM)

or this

Rosseau -> RE: Piss poor design which can be exploited (2/15/2015 1:04:21 AM)




ORIGINAL: loki100



Germany only has about 10 units that can do anything, all 15+ CV - so when allies land you have to move them to the invasion area.

Then if they leave there is no way you can get CV lvls back to "normal"

System needs a delay


the problem here is you have been min-maxing your response to invasions (as you do very well), this response exposes that approach from a similar perspective. The reality is the Germans didn't dare strip say France of mobile reserves to deal with Italy as they didn't know the allies lacked the capacity (or will) to try a second invasion. So you've been dealing with one threat and ignoring the latent second threat. This rather gamey Allied strategy is a response in kind. Its unfortunate that you are back to screaming 'Middle Earth' in response to be being out-gamed.

As to the VPs.

I don't care about the negative concept. I can see the objection but it doesn't worry me.
I'd like to see the T1 hit on allied VPs removed (as someone says those losses are from when someone else was in command),
not least its scarcely needed for end of game balance (judging by completed games so far).

I actually like the VP system as a reflection of external issues.
I presume the U-Boat focus is a way to build in the diversion of effort (for both sides)
of the Battle of the Atlantic? V1/2 reflects the importance the allies gave to ending that threat.

I'm not that worried about the game tending to an allied loss (regardless of who holds Berlin)
if losses go too high or progress is too slow.
Given the economic ruin of the war for the UK and France,
you could make a case that by 1943 this war had long abandoned
the traditional logic of fighting for defined goals and had indeed
become about winning at any cost and worry about the consequences later.

What might be nice is a second set of victory conditions. WiTE is, as noted above, too driven in its victory conditions by player performance not context. Something along these lines in WiTW as a separate metric for 'success' might be quite useful, though of course player(s) can always come up with their own informal measures for this (as many do in WiTE).

Dude build it anyway you want, but exploits aree exploit and tring to BS people is simply BS people.

The player base is not as stupid as you and others would like to think.

They ALWAYS exploit the rules be it WitE or WitW if the rule set is piss poor its piss poor and playes game it to Middle Earth and back.

Star Trek is not World War II?

You think the current garrison rule set is not Middle Earth? Sorry bro but people that have helped design WitW thk its stupid they just simply can't say it in dev forum or here.

Its simply not possible to wave a majgic wand and have unit move 50+ hexes.

I am very very very very happy some peeps that play WA's are 1/2 as smart as MT.Sapper, Bomazz, Hoooper, Kamil ect winning as WA's is way way to easy.

I am simply asking that WA be given some lov as VP system is off and garrison system is way to exploitable.

Now 2by3 can be like the old days of WitE and be made complete fools of by some stupid redneck retard called Pelton ( morale bug, ammo bug, armament bug ect ect yes I wat 100% right and 2by3 100%wrong) or they can be drama queens. Dude just fix the sht
and make 2 simple changes that balance the game.

Way way to much drama and not enough IQ

Critics are a game's best fans!

Peltonx -> RE: Piss poor design which can be exploited (2/15/2015 1:13:06 AM)


ORIGINAL: rosseau




ORIGINAL: loki100



Germany only has about 10 units that can do anything, all 15+ CV - so when allies land you have to move them to the invasion area.

Then if they leave there is no way you can get CV lvls back to "normal"

System needs a delay


the problem here is you have been min-maxing your response to invasions (as you do very well), this response exposes that approach from a similar perspective. The reality is the Germans didn't dare strip say France of mobile reserves to deal with Italy as they didn't know the allies lacked the capacity (or will) to try a second invasion. So you've been dealing with one threat and ignoring the latent second threat. This rather gamey Allied strategy is a response in kind. Its unfortunate that you are back to screaming 'Middle Earth' in response to be being out-gamed.

As to the VPs.

I don't care about the negative concept. I can see the objection but it doesn't worry me.
I'd like to see the T1 hit on allied VPs removed (as someone says those losses are from when someone else was in command),
not least its scarcely needed for end of game balance (judging by completed games so far).

I actually like the VP system as a reflection of external issues.
I presume the U-Boat focus is a way to build in the diversion of effort (for both sides)
of the Battle of the Atlantic? V1/2 reflects the importance the allies gave to ending that threat.

I'm not that worried about the game tending to an allied loss (regardless of who holds Berlin)
if losses go too high or progress is too slow.
Given the economic ruin of the war for the UK and France,
you could make a case that by 1943 this war had long abandoned
the traditional logic of fighting for defined goals and had indeed
become about winning at any cost and worry about the consequences later.

What might be nice is a second set of victory conditions. WiTE is, as noted above, too driven in its victory conditions by player performance not context. Something along these lines in WiTW as a separate metric for 'success' might be quite useful, though of course player(s) can always come up with their own informal measures for this (as many do in WiTE).

Dude build it anyway you want, but exploits aree exploit and tring to BS people is simply BS people.

The player base is not as stupid as you and others would like to think.

They ALWAYS exploit the rules be it WitE or WitW if the rule set is piss poor its piss poor and playes game it to Middle Earth and back.

Star Trek is not World War II?

You think the current garrison rule set is not Middle Earth? Sorry bro but people that have helped design WitW thk its stupid they just simply can't say it in dev forum or here.

Its simply not possible to wave a majgic wand and have unit move 50+ hexes.

I am very very very very happy some peeps that play WA's are 1/2 as smart as MT.Sapper, Bomazz, Hoooper, Kamil ect winning as WA's is way way to easy.

I am simply asking that WA be given some lov as VP system is off and garrison system is way to exploitable.

Now 2by3 can be like the old days of WitE and be made complete fools of by some stupid redneck retard called Pelton ( morale bug, ammo bug, armament bug ect ect yes I wat 100% right and 2by3 100%wrong) or they can be drama queens. Dude just fix the sht
and make 2 simple changes that balance the game.

Way way to much drama and not enough IQ

I don't know who Pelton is, but we can do without the name-calling, dude.

Generally speaking I am the dude that called out 2by3 and said that national morale was broken and they said no.
I said there was an ammo bug and they said no
I said there was a armament bug and they said noper
I said there was a swapping bug and they said noper.

So for months 6+ I was called stupid ect ect ect

and guess what?

I was right and 2by3 wrong and they asked me to be part of deving this game check the credits - I am not going to blow sht up peeps butts when sht is simply wrong. Have some respect for yourself.

So I simply have no need to call the kettle black as I was right.

Can anyone say that's played at all say that the WA's don't need some VP love?

Bro I have played WitE like WitW more then anyone and the WA's need some VP love.

Also I have found as many exploits and cheats and found the best of the cheaters (ask Erik) so I know based on actions and not BS what I am talking about.

I don't know who you are but I respect your opinion based on? but I respect it.

I know what I am talking about based on 4+ yrs of playing. Its great you spent $ on the game, but play it some bro before blowing your horn.


whoofe -> RE: Piss poor design which can be exploited (2/15/2015 1:20:30 AM)



Ah, I think I have the difference; the WA are not being penalised for attacking. They are being penalised for attacking unwisely or clumsily. If you take advantage of the considerable advantages the WA have(numbers locally, air power etc), you balance the cost vs the gain.

The WA will get in to Germany, its just a question of how fast, and what it costs. Any game that allows Russian style play by the WA is not a game of Western Europe in my book... I think it was you (or if not, someone) who suggested using manpower limits to penalise clumsy/expensive play. Attacking and turning the army into a ghost is just not realistic. I know you primarily want a game, as do I (I am not a masochist, and will lose interest in a game where one side has no hope). However I want a game set in Western Europe 1943-5, not Eastern Front in France.

if the Russian army is a sledgehammer (big thumps but not a lot of finesse), and the German army is a longsword (good general purpose, although a bit chipped and rusty by late 1943!), the WA armies would be a rapier, or even rapier/dagger combination - lethal if used precisely, but so not good when the brawl descends to a slugging match...

I agree with that. and in my match vs the AI I am attacking as such. however vs a person it may not be quite so easy to do

whoofe -> RE: Piss poor design which can be exploited (2/15/2015 1:23:46 AM)


ORIGINAL: Joel Billings

You won't lose 27 VPs for losing a troop ship. You might lost 3-4 at most, but now you should lose even less after we made it so that some of the men go back to the pool. So a troopship is probably going to cost you 1 or 2. You can minimize these over the long run by moving in areas where you have naval control, which means devoting some of your aircraft to naval patrols. The big VP hit on the first turn is due to scoring the disabled pool. It's just something built into the system and accounted for in the victory levels. I understand it's no fun to be in the negative, but for a WA player that is doing well it will eventually turn around and go positive. Of course, we need many more games to be played to conclusion to get a real handle on game balance (not just Pelton's games). By the activity on the AAR forum, it looks like we should have more results in the coming few months. The game is short enough that it can be played through and I'm looking forward to seeing the results of many games.

in dunno if its just that I notice it more because its so painful, but I seem to tend to lose troop ships more often when I move HQs than regular units. would be interesting to track this more carefully & see if that is indeed the case.

LiquidSky -> RE: Piss poor design which can be exploited (2/15/2015 5:18:26 AM)

You lose more units if you have more stuff in them to lose. A troop transport points carries 1000 points of carrying capacity. If you look at any unit on the map, you will see it has a carrying capacity. If the HQ is chock full of support my 21st Army Group for example, it needs 80 transport points to move it.

When it moves, it makes a roll for each and every in this case, it will roll 80 times to see if there is a loss. Compared to an infantry division which may be around 12 transport points, you can see that you will obviously end up with more losses in the HQ then the infantry given the same chance. The same with the armour units...they are bigger, take more transport points, so you roll more times.

Then when you lose a point, you will lose roughly that percentage of stuff out of the unit.

By the way, you don't minimize troop transport losses by moving through friendly seas. You minimize losses by taking short hops. It adds up the percentage chance of loss for every hex you move if you only move through a few, the percentage is small.

HMSWarspite -> RE: Piss poor design which can be exploited (2/15/2015 7:20:32 AM)

Congratulations Pelton, for restoring an interesting debate back in to your personal rant. As I said, take a chill pill!
And if the WA needs love why are you still on your solution for the garrison issue thus allowing more GE flexibility? I will be campaigning for the garrison requirement to drop progressively as an area is captured. This solves both your issues at once.
I'm out of this one.

RedLancer -> RE: VP Discussion (2/15/2015 9:32:31 AM)

Ok - small change in direction - as everyone is so worked up by campaign VPs and have strong opinions can I ask how would you improve the air campaign VP system?

JocMeister -> RE: VP Discussion (2/15/2015 9:53:38 AM)


ORIGINAL: Red Lancer

Ok - small change in direction - as everyone is so worked up by campaign VPs and have strong opinions can I ask how would you improve the air campaign VP system?

Remove the VP penalty for U-boat/V-Weapons. Award extra bonus VPs for hitting them over MAN/HI/FUEL/OTHER. This would give the WA player the option to try and go for the German industry (to weaken the German war effort) or to pick up extra VPs by going after UB/VW.

Problem with that is to to maintain the overall (current) VP balance you have to take VPs from something else. And I have no idea where to do that and have it make sense. The WA are already struggling to find positive VPs and I donīt think there is any area where the WAs have an excess of VPs to take from?

Then again by you might not need to remove any VPs to balance things? I donīt think we have seen a single MP game where the WAs have ended with a positive VP yet? Looking at my own game on T25 I have lost -83 VPs to U- boats and I have pretty much done nothing but hitting them since T1. It has not been a pretty campaign with much of the LW concentrated around Hamburg for obvious reasons...

I know of only 2 MP games that have gone all the way to the end and both ended with around -1000 score. Donīt know if those games are out or whack or "normal". But they do seem to indicate the WAs would need quiet a hefty boost. Or a reduction in combat losses as that is the biggest VP drain by far!

RedLancer -> RE: VP Discussion (2/15/2015 10:26:55 AM)

Perhaps I was unclear - this is about an air only scenario - not campaign

Nico165b165 -> RE: VP Discussion (2/15/2015 10:36:41 AM)

Against challenging axis AI, I regularly get +6+7 bombing VP vs -3-4 U-Boats VP in 1943. Sometimes I spend 2 or 3 turns in a row bombing the Ruhr without paying attention to U-boats. Then I go to Hamburg region for 1 or 2 turns, hitting both VP targets and U-boats. I feel a constraint but not too much of a constraint, and still enough choice of what and where to bomb.

My first impression is that the air war has a rather good balance vs AI. Maybe it's different when you play MP... Balancing fort both AI and MP is a difficult task. Just don't forget most games are AI, not MP.

edit :


ORIGINAL: Red Lancer

Perhaps I was unclear - this is about an air only scenario - not campaign

I was talking about the campaign too, but my comment stays.

marion61 -> RE: Piss poor design which can be exploited (2/15/2015 11:24:11 AM)

I saw what you wrote about short hops when moving. Great idea, wish I'd thought of it.[8D]

marion61 -> RE: VP Discussion (2/15/2015 11:33:31 AM)

I don't find the air vp's out of place really. Ask Pelton, in 9days bombing, I've got my vp loss from uboats to -1 on turn 9 or 10. I haven't lost anymore planes than usual, even with all those planes around the uboat factories. Having all those planes up there makes hitting other places much simpler, and I'm trying a new air strat. and so far the results are promising. The air war is like the ground war, just in the air, and gives the game an extra dimension. Three dimensions.

JocMeister -> RE: VP Discussion (2/15/2015 11:41:43 AM)


ORIGINAL: Red Lancer

Perhaps I was unclear - this is about an air only scenario - not campaign

Are you talking about a pure air scenario? Like a BtR scenario? Would love that! [:)]

RedLancer -> RE: VP Discussion (2/15/2015 11:44:47 AM)


ORIGINAL: JocMeister

Are you talking about a pure air scenario? Like a BtR scenario? Would love that! [:)]

That's the idea.

JocMeister -> RE: VP Discussion (2/15/2015 12:22:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: Red Lancer


ORIGINAL: JocMeister

Are you talking about a pure air scenario? Like a BtR scenario? Would love that! [:)]

That's the idea.

What would be the overall goal for the Scenario? To win purely by VPs or to have some other mechanic involved to decide victory/defeat?

RedLancer -> RE: VP Discussion (2/15/2015 12:45:14 PM)

VPs - like in a small scenario although ideas are welcome.

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