Tomcat84 -> RE: A Question About Missions (2/19/2015 10:02:33 PM)
Hmmm I see. Well, I guess it kind of depends on the balance of what you want to handle yourself vs what you want to have the computer handle. I am traditionally a big micro manager for air to air combat, i.e. I launch my planes manually, direct them everywhere manually and order who to target, when and with how many missiles etc all myself. But some people prefer to just assign escorts and strikers to a strike mission, setup WRA for targeting, and let the AI figure it all out. Now both have advantages and disadvantages, the micro manager gets things done just how he wants it, but it can take lot of time and be complex. The AI user costs less time but you might lose track of stuff and the AI isnt always as smart as you might be. I think maybe you are a bit in the middle right now? Because you have very specific things you want to do but you want the AI to do them. I think in this case maybe you are better off launching them yourself and plotting a course (at the end of which they will orbit). Or just have the AI do the strike and refuel like you said. The mission type you are asking for right now is not really there, although maybe it might be an idea to have a RTB/Hold at end of loop option for the support mission. Dont know what the devs think of that. It has to be said though that the devs are slowly building the Mission tool into a more and more advanced strike planner that in the future probably will add the exact details you are looking for. Hope this makes sense? and please note that I am not a developer so everything I say is my opinion, not an official one of theirs :)