r6kunz -> RE: 3 Sides of Beef (2/21/2015 8:04:11 PM)
Marquo Item 1- no argument here, but I have learned to live with it, and as a "my house" rule, I try to keep formations with their parent HQ. Here is hoping this may corrected in the next version. Item 2- Lobster answered it. In fact I would say a surrounded unit seems to be eliminated a bit too easily compared to a unit with enemy units on five sides. (This was somewhat corrected in TOAW III.) As Lobster goes on to say, in looking at the history of modern warfare, rarely is a unit eliminated. In fact I researched the opening of WWI for 1914- Horrific losses- both sides all across the Western Front (August 22,1914 most deadly day for he French), yet virtually no French, German or British regular divisions were eliminated. In the Race to the Sea nearly all regular divisions were able to participate. Item 3- C'est la guerre Thanks for your interest and opinions. That is what keeps the Forum alive cheers