supplies (Full Version)

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sushidog -> supplies (2/22/2015 7:58:42 PM)

In the production phase, if I build a few art, and build some supply, what happens if I don't hit the button to build supply with everyone not yet assigned to build something button? Or put another way, if I just build the arty and naval, and don't assign anyone to build supplies, what's the difference between hitting the build supplies with all remaining units button or not hitting it? Does the game build supplies with all remaining units regardless of whether you use this button? Is there a reason to not hit the button (maybe you can build more troops if you don't build supply?)

ryan1488 -> RE: supplies (2/24/2015 5:04:55 AM)

it will auto build supplies even if you don't hit the button, I think this is a carryover from world at useless button

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