videXX -> NoEncryption -X -W option (2/23/2015 12:41:54 PM)
Hello everybody, could someone please tell me whether I have to install Cygwin, to use that -W or -X option? It isn't working so far, although I have made my shortcuts of the EXEs whith admin rights. My system is Windows 7 (64). I am using patch 2.02. I have created my own DCG, with several leaders and everything is working fine. Thank's a lot for the tremendous work of to developers team. _________________[&o] I like it very much that you have opend these old Talonsoft Game and make it more user friendly. See, I would like to change some minor details like sound in the platoon.oob but am still blocked by this encryption thing. Thanks a lot for your advice.[:'(] Videxx