Shark7 -> RE: Long running pet peeve (3/12/2015 6:05:40 PM)
ORIGINAL: CyclopsSlayer Sorry for the late reply, RL rearing it's ugly head. The confusion for me is that my refits, gifts, all expected costs were handled manually. I could see no real reason for the wild fluctuations. No pirate raids, one of the first things I looked for, no corruption, no gifting, maintenance seemed at expected levels. BUT! I think I may have failed to account for the effects of smuggling missions, which I know of no way to handle manually. I really have no good feel for, or tracking of, the costs of the ores I was importing. I do know there were 4-5 strategic I was lacking or short on, and a real shortage of luxuries. I am now guessing that these imports are the source of a fair portion of the costs. In that case check for resource availability. Strategic resources have an effect on maintenance costs. Also, having shortages of luxury resources will cause planet income and tax levels to vary. The two major resources to build from the game start are caslon and hydrogen. These are not only fuel for ships, but are required in vast quantities for colony growth. Make sure you have a minimum of 5 each of those two before worrying about others. To simplify it for you: Go under the expansion planner and on the top section click the first instance where it says 'Unfulfilled". These are the resources you are short of. I personally sort by 'resources by galaxy priority' and distance, then set construction ships to build mining stations there by selecting the planet and clicking queue nearest construction ship. You can repeat this step as the construction ships will add it to there queue's and get to it as they finish other projects. I've provided a screenshot with the unfulfilled box you need to be looking through circled in yellow. You may have to click it twice to get to where it shows the highest unfulfilled levels. [image]local://upfiles/25927/E445E8683D61488D9BAAA237302606C5.jpg[/image]