Convoy escorts, the best way? (Full Version)

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el lobo -> Convoy escorts, the best way? (2/24/2015 11:54:21 AM)

If you have a troop/supply TF and some combat ships, what is the best way to provide protection from subs?

Form the combat ships into a SC TF and:

(1) Set the SC TF to follow the troop/supply TF (same hex),

(2) Set the troop/supply TF to follow the SC TF (same hex), or,

(3) embed the combat ships in the troop/supply TF, or,

some other method, or, does it matter?

Bullwinkle58 -> RE: Convoy escorts, the best way? (2/24/2015 12:23:48 PM)

If you have limited escorts by far the best use is embed them in the Transport/Amphib TF. Very often the sub's first shot will be at the escorts and they generally have far higher maneuver ratings and will be missed. If you have lots of escorts do the above first, then put the rest in an ASW TF, not a Surface TF, and have the troop TF follow in the same hex.

Generally I don't do the second method playing as Allies. Embedding takes care of subs more or less. If you have spare CVEs one of them embedded helps a lot if the DBs or TBs are on ASW search.

el lobo -> RE: Convoy escorts, the best way? (2/24/2015 1:03:40 PM)

Thank you sir, I appreciate the answer. It's always a nagging little question as I go through forming TFs.

Bullwinkle58 -> RE: Convoy escorts, the best way? (2/24/2015 1:54:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: el lobo

Thank you sir, I appreciate the answer. It's always a nagging little question as I go through forming TFs.

One addendum to my answer. ASW-capable ships are also generally Surface-capable too. DDs being the best example. If a DD is in an ASW TF it will emphasize ASW and be better at it. If the same ship is in a Surface TF it will be better at surface fights, but will still fight back if a sub appears. The issue with my answer is what do you expect to run into on the route to and at the destination of the transport TF? If it's just subs then fine, use ASW. If surface raiders then I'd go with a Surface TF with more than four ships and have the troops follow. Or if you're really flush a Surface TF with at least one CA for the raiders, plus escorts for the CA, and an ASW TF of three to protect the troops, all in the same hex as they move. Opinions in the forum have long disagreed on whether the troops should Follow the ASW or the Surface TF in that case. I'd follow the ASW, but that's me.

oaltinyay -> RE: Convoy escorts, the best way? (3/24/2015 1:51:18 PM)

I converted about 12 or so AKs into AVs and loaded with them FPs speciazing in ASW and Search. %70 ASW and %30 rest. Poor man's CVE sort of...

And then I include them with 100 Ship Convoys that shuttle back and forth from Palembang.

Anthropoid -> RE: Convoy escorts, the best way? (3/24/2015 4:09:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: oaltinyay

I converted about 12 or so AKs into AVs and loaded with them FPs speciazing in ASW and Search. %70 ASW and %30 rest. Poor man's CVE sort of...

And then I include them with 100 Ship Convoys that shuttle back and forth from Palembang.

Where did you get all the FPs?!? [:)][&:]

oaltinyay -> RE: Convoy escorts, the best way? (3/25/2015 10:56:26 AM)

Resized - Maxed- out using the Chitoses.... It sure puts a drain on your Ha33 production bw , I am using Jakes as ASW asset ( MAD and 4X60 kg bombs )...

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