LJBurstyn -> RE: Wanted Axis Opponent for ETO (3/1/2015 8:24:28 PM)
Hi, I wanted to point out that there is a math error in changing neutrality in the events programming. When you divide 19/20 you get a 0 change in neutrality not 1 and the only place you get a 5 change is 100/20...otherwise you get 0-5 change in neutrality when you use the card. So the random generated number 1-19 gets you a zero change in neutrality 20-39 gets you a 1 change in neutrality 40-59 gets you a 2 change in neutrality and so on. The math truncates all partial numbers it does not round up or down. This was confirmed when I modified the event and printed out what was generated by the random number generator and what it gave me as a neutrality change. A simple solution is to add one to the result and then reduce anything larger than 5 to 5. The net result is that 5 has a 1% chance greater of happening than 2 thru 4 while 1 has a 1% lesser chance of happening. I will be leaving on an Alaskan vacation on March 6th, returning March 14th. Will be away from computers for that time.