Canoerebel -> Still gnashing teeth.... (3/9/2003 8:36:45 AM)
Gents, I still can't get 2.3 to execute. I spent about three hours last night and at least that today (thank goodness my wife is out of town this weekend or she would have called the local mental health folks to come get me). I've re-downloaded the patch five (!) times and tried a variety of things to get it to work. I've downloaded into the patch file, into the main UV file, onto my desktop; I've downloaded over previous downloads; I've uninstalled UV, then reinstalled, then reinstalled all patches, then tried 2.3 once again........all for naught. I think I understand how folks go postal now. While sitting here gnashing my teeth, I noticed a bunch of squirrels outside and wondered whether we needed a squirrel eradication program. Then, suddenly, BOOM! and the computer went dead and the power went out. It was a suicide squirrel that bridged an arc on the power transformer. So instead of me getting the squirrels, they came after my house. I'm barricaded in now with six rifled muskets, four Napoleon cannon, and a haversack full of parched corn. Matrix, please come fix my 2.3 patch..... Sincerely, Canoe P.S. If and when I get 2.3 to work, I'll post a notice here. In the meantime, please keep the suggestions coming.