V-man -> Patton Tank Museum needs your help! (3/8/2003 3:12:00 PM)
The patton tank Museum, of Ft Know, KY, is restoring their collection as fast as they can. they have a small problem with thier T-34/85 at this time - NO! I am NOT asking for money. Does ANYBODY have a line on the manual for the TSh gunsight for a T-34/85? Seriously! This is the sort of group that would have access to such. They desparately need a copy of this manual to restore the gunsight. FWIW, i have a scan of a pic one of the staff did thru a Tiger's gunsight of their M-5 Stuart moving around with some re-enactors - the caption said: "What Tiger gunner sees...." :) Anyway, if anyone can get a copy or knows someone who can, PLEASE help! Feel free to email me, subject should be: "T-34 Gunsight manual"