ckfinite -> Technical demo: Operation Tam Kung (3/5/2015 3:12:12 AM)
This is mostly a test to see if all of my scripting works - there's no actual gameplay as of yet, and there are still some elements missing (fishing boats and biologicals in particular). In any case, this is the base civil traffic engine for my next scene, Operation Tam Kung, set in one of the busiest shipping areas in the world. What's not working well right now is the ship selection (not every ship in the world is a 4000TEU feedermax, for some reason) and the ship sources/destinations, which I'm still working out. I'm interested in two major things: a) Does it work on your computer (and what kind of performance do you get)? b) What do you think of the idea (loads and loads of civil shipping) Feel free to adapt the scripts - if you want to do so, take a careful look at the initialization event first, as there are a number of utilities in it that are needed for the rest to work. Note: It's really really strongly recommended to turn event messages off - if only so that your message log isn't clogged with the same event. Also, to avoid utter boredom, time acceleration 30m (1800x) is suggested - these are quite slow ships.