Meklore's AAR, That Joc Can't Read! (Full Version)

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marion61 -> Meklore's AAR, That Joc Can't Read! (3/6/2015 10:53:40 PM)

Well I've finished my marathon first turn for Joc. The glorious Italian Army stands fast, while German units advance to the rear! GO PANZERS! I reconned his beaches so hard, that they turned into glass, but aside from this, we await the 20 divisions valiantly!

marion61 -> RE: Meklore's AAR, That Joc Can't Read! (3/7/2015 3:11:23 PM)

I have good news, and I have bad news. Good news first. I remembered to take a screen shot this turn. Bad news. I forgot to take a screen shot of end of turn.

I looked over Joc's naval interdiction numbers and they were only 4's and 5's on Sardinia, so the Vaughted LW struck back and we gained naval control over his beaches. His naval over Sicily was too high to try and fight. Lose too many bombers contesting it. The mighty Italian Army has rushed reinforcements (that aren't frozen) to Sardinia to repel the invader's!

Sicily's another problem. You can't leave gaps in your lines with high moral German units close by. The mighty Italian Army attacked a French mountain regt. and took an American beach this turn, while other Italian units along with PzG regt. isolated an American ID.

My suggestions:

1. Close your gaps so Italian regt. can't get at your beaches. They are easily pushed around, but they can still get lucky which is how I got that one beach. An Italian pushing a mtn regt. is just luck of combat. I didn't expect to take that beach that way.

2. I have way more usable bases near Sardinia than Sicily. Adjust your naval patrols around so you at least get parity, and next time invade near a port. I'm pretty sure I can't kick you off Sardinia, but I can make you pay for every hex you take.

3. Always expect the unexpected from me. I play aggressively, just ask NOSB. I will take risk if the reward is there, and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, but it can't hurt to try.


Seminole -> RE: Meklore's AAR, That Joc Can't Read! (3/7/2015 4:08:32 PM)


The mighty Italian Army has rushed reinforcements (that aren't frozen) to Sardinia to repel the invader's!

Do I understand that you transported by ship some Italian divisions to Sardinia? I kind of like that idea if the WA are willing to attack early. I also like the Italians fort digging in key areas on the mainland so that when they do evaporate my Germans have decent quarters to take up. Don't forget to find the 'Alpini' Mtn Div...

It does stink that the Italians on Sardinia stay frozen when it is invaded. I think the enemy has to get within three hexes of them to 'unfreeze' them.

BTW, red/black doesn't contrast well on that background. Kind of hard to read your font.

marion61 -> RE: Meklore's AAR, That Joc Can't Read! (3/7/2015 4:29:46 PM)

I was still half asleep, cause I think I changed that color about 6 times and just left it at that. I'll be awake next time.

loki100 -> RE: Meklore's AAR, That Joc Can't Read! (3/7/2015 6:50:56 PM)

nice to see an agressive defense of the islands, be interesting to see how that works out

marion61 -> RE: Meklore's AAR, That Joc Can't Read! (3/7/2015 7:09:20 PM)

It got even more aggressive this turn.[;)] This was the start of the turn.


marion61 -> RE: Meklore's AAR, That Joc Can't Read! (3/7/2015 7:10:09 PM)

Sardinia naval.


marion61 -> RE: Meklore's AAR, That Joc Can't Read! (3/7/2015 7:10:59 PM)

Sicily at the turns end, before my surprises.


marion61 -> RE: Meklore's AAR, That Joc Can't Read! (3/7/2015 7:12:43 PM)

Sardinia at the turns end. Tune in next week to see what new surprises I have in store for Joc. He told me he liked surprises so I'm obliging him.


marion61 -> RE: Meklore's AAR, And it's okay if Joc reads it! (3/8/2015 4:43:30 PM)

We managed a photo op on Sardinia for the starving British troops there. Some of them may be reminded of eating rats in Tobruk still lol. Rats back on the menu boys!


marion61 -> RE: Meklore's AAR, And it's okay if Joc reads it! (3/8/2015 4:46:06 PM)

Sicily was another matter. I got my divisions down there, and yes I forgot that you can't assign su's over the ferries, so my attacks went in without it. I couldn't budge him, but he's paying for Sicily too. No free rides!

And yes, those two regiments are toast, but considering how much I've delayed his next invasion already, as it's July 31, '43 turn now, I believe I'll get a strategic win. I can't win on the ground, but I can delay him as much as possible, because time is my ally. He's forced to bring more men over to the islands to kick me off, and when it becomes untenable, I'll leave. He also has a line of forts around the volcano to contend with now.

I'll give Joc his due, this last turn he smashed my airfields on Sardinia and Corsica. He only got about 200 german planes, but the Italian AF is gutted, as it lost over 700 planes. Over 900 planes total on the ground.


marion61 -> RE: Meklore's AAR, And it's okay if Joc reads it! (3/9/2015 2:15:10 PM)

Since I seem to be replying to myself in this aar, I'll putting Palermo Rose on sabbatical.[8D]

decourcy2 -> RE: Meklore's AAR, And it's okay if Joc reads it! (3/9/2015 3:42:37 PM)

You know when you start talking to yourself that you are getting old!

I thought Joc would have learned more from his last game; this is stuff he should not be getting wrong. You are keeping him beautifully off balance.

marion61 -> RE: Meklore's AAR, And it's okay if Joc reads it! (3/9/2015 3:59:54 PM)

WOW! A POST! Will Palermo Rose come out of retirement???

Okay, twist my arm. I even took pics for this past turn, but Joc's not going to be happy. His boys on Sardinia are eating rats still, and it looks like more rat for next week to eat as I kept naval control. I've explained to him how to handle this with his AF, I await the falling of bombs! The mighty Italian's got behind the lines on Sardinia, but found the temporary ports occupied with real units...damn! Also a line of forts is going up around his containment area. If they sign a surrender soon, we've promised them RAT will not be served in the POW camp.[;)]


marion61 -> RE: Meklore's AAR, And it's okay if Joc reads it! (3/9/2015 4:10:40 PM)

Fresh out of Retirement...It's the indefatigable...Palermo Rose! Broadcasting, sort of live, from Messina. This morning I awoke to what appeared to be smoke coming from the volcano. I ran from my bed, all in a fluster, only to find out that all the smoke wasn't from the volcano, but from the hundreds of allied fighters and ground attack craft burning on the ground near Gela! It was a glorious sight to see that smoke plume, caused by the Elite Fliers of the LW. They reported over 400 enemy planes destroyed, so I still owe him another 500 planes for destroying the Italian AF last turn.[;)]

Unfortunately, the men of the Pzgrn regiment, that gave their lives so valiantly are probably doomed like the other two regiments. I've traded that division to keep him tied up on Sicily as long as possible. Syracuse is not big enough to maintain supply to all those units so he has to keep his TF's around. But, my able Italian allies are digging forts now on the Italian mainland.


Lowpe -> RE: Meklore's AAR, And it's okay if Joc reads it! (3/9/2015 5:48:20 PM)

I am reading and greatly enjoy your AAR.[sm=happy0065.gif] I didn't want to clutter it up with my worthless post, since I don't even own the game yet, but will.

marion61 -> RE: Meklore's AAR, And it's okay if Joc reads it! (3/9/2015 5:55:51 PM)

I love worthless post! Post on![8D]

Lowpe -> RE: Meklore's AAR, And it's okay if Joc reads it! (3/9/2015 6:41:33 PM)

How were you able to destroy the Allied planes? Weren't your losses equally as horrific?

sven6345789 -> RE: Meklore's AAR, And it's okay if Joc reads it! (3/9/2015 6:41:50 PM)

Do german divisions come back like in WITE? Or are they gone for good?
And since I'am asking
What happens to allied divisions that get destroyed?

marion61 -> RE: Meklore's AAR, And it's okay if Joc reads it! (3/9/2015 6:49:08 PM)

I recon his airbases at a new invasion area, and the first turn I see them there I start spanking them. In one game I destroyed over 1900 planes over a 4 turn stretch. I take losses over time, and when they become untenable I stop. The key is that those first planes coming over don't have air support the first turn transferred, and not much supply so they don't intercept. Also if they were given another mission and not just auto intercepting, they intercept poorly. The first turn or two you can suffer massive losses, so don't put a bunch of ground attack or bombers on those fields. Just move a few fighter groups a turn, let the supply build up (you should also set new airbases to 100 TOE, not auto), and just let them auto intercept. Axis bombers will get torn up and they stop. People get in a hurry to move planes over and forget the axis have over 1200 bombers in the area and I can fly from the mainland without worry of reprisals. Timing is key to playing axis.

This is kinda funny, but in one game I tried to bomb the 8th's airfields cause most players get lax about England being bombed so I figured why not. I massed many brave and fearless pilots, that would never come back. I got 60 bombers, but I lost 200 doing it. Not a trade off I'd do again, but it's funny now.

marion61 -> RE: Meklore's AAR, And it's okay if Joc reads it! (3/9/2015 6:51:03 PM)

German divisions when surrendered, return to Germany and await replacements. Most allied units that surrender end up in several places. Ireland, England, and Polish units reorganize in a small town in North Africa and you have to hunt for them.

loki100 -> RE: Meklore's AAR, And it's okay if Joc reads it! (3/9/2015 10:12:06 PM)

really like the agressive way you are playing this ... should add a degree of fear and caution back into the early game moves for most allied players (incl me) [;)]

marion61 -> RE: Meklore's AAR, And it's okay if Joc reads it! (3/9/2015 11:12:24 PM)

I had a nice master plan, planned, but it didn't pan out. To do it I would have to put my transport aircraft in harms way, as most of them are short range. I had both his beaches on Sicily targetted by a para regiment each, but I couldn't pull the trigger cause I couldn't get enough transports into range except on Sardinia, and I'd lost my Italian AF a few turns back so i didn't want to risk it. It would have been glorious, and I was waiting for him to move forward some so there wouldn't be any combat units in the hex I dropped on. Instant beach closure.[;)] I'll do it sometime, but the opportunity to make it count and take Sicily back has passed already. They are about to be left to their fate as it's mid-aug now and I have to start forming other lines. I just don't want those pesky Italians surrendering too soon like they always do with me.

Seminole -> RE: Meklore's AAR, And it's okay if Joc reads it! (3/9/2015 11:48:04 PM)


I had a nice master plan, planned, but it didn't pan out. To do it I would have to put my transport aircraft in harms way, as most of them are short range. I had both his beaches on Sicily targetted by a para regiment each, but I couldn't pull the trigger cause I couldn't get enough transports into range except on Sardinia, and I'd lost my Italian AF a few turns back so i didn't want to risk it. It would have been glorious, and I was waiting for him to move forward some so there wouldn't be any combat units in the hex I dropped on. Instant beach closure. I'll do it sometime, but the opportunity to make it count and take Sicily back has passed already.

I've thought of a similar gambit on Sardinia itself, but water is a freaking magnet to my para drops. If there is an adjacent water hex that's where they're going. I quit even planning drops adjacent to water.

marion61 -> RE: Meklore's AAR, And it's okay if Joc reads it! (3/10/2015 3:33:59 PM)

News of our Gallant defenders of Palermo are pouring in!!! The 230th Italian Coastal Div, and the Palermo garrison fight off another round of attacks (**** Patton!). Our best su units from the Italian army are in the 230th, and they seem to be doing well. Fortress Volcano is still untouched this turn because the WA's have problems elsewhere still. He solved most of his problems on Sicily so I have been focusing on Sardinia. When he has that problem under control, I'll have found his next weakness and be on it. It's a matter of presenting several choices to your opponent. He can't cover them all, and the one he doesn't is the one you move on.


marion61 -> RE: Meklore's AAR, And it's okay if Joc reads it! (3/10/2015 3:48:13 PM)

We are taking you live the scene of heavy fighting...with our on scene reporter...Sardinia Sam!

This is Sardinia Sam, coming to you live from the Hq's of the 3/4th FJ regiment in Cagliri where our brave Italian allies are planning the demise of the British horde. The colonel of the FJ regiment almost decided to call off any attacks this turn because of pleas from the Sardinian population. It seems that since the British landed (OMG! The British are coming, the British are coming! One if by land, two if by sea!) that the rat problem in the local area has been eradicated. They even asked the col. if he'd allow the British to get closer to Oristano and Tortoli to eradicate their rat problem. In the end, the colonel had to decline because Erwin want's to attack. Yes, AG B in Italy.

So as we await the attack on the Brits at, I mean near Cagliari (different war ;)), I will be here to the bitter end, cheering out allies to victory so good and decent Germans don't have to die. What are allies for???

One small side note. This is straight from GHQ: **** Patton![;)]


marion61 -> RE: Meklore's AAR, And it's okay if Joc reads it! (3/10/2015 5:22:31 PM)

I guess the gig is up. I had to start pruning my Ju-88A's this turn to keep pilots and planes going so it's time to withdraw I guess. I'm not sure I ever had a chance of stopping him on Sardinia, but it did cost him another 4-5 turns that he can't be prepping a big invasion. Sicily still has TF's because Syracuse is the only open port, as he just took Catania. Time to rest up for the next invasion, and I'm trying a new tactic for this new bombing strategy. Hopefully it works to reduce his bomber fleet some so he won't fly so far in unmolested.

The other reason I "HAVE" to withdraw is because of the garrison values changing next turn. I won't have enough cv in Italy to continue a fighting withdrawal, so I'm forced to withdraw and set up defensive lines. With the EF box on this wouldn't be a problem and by now I would have crushed his invasions or seriously put a dent in them. I have to move units from Italy to cover the new garrison values.

Seminole -> RE: Meklore's AAR, And it's okay if Joc reads it! (3/10/2015 6:03:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: meklore61

I guess the gig is up. I had to start pruning my Ju-88A's this turn to keep pilots and planes going so it's time to withdraw I guess. I'm not sure I ever had a chance of stopping him on Sardinia, but it did cost him another 4-5 turns that he can't be prepping a big invasion. Sicily still has TF's because Syracuse is the only open port, as he just took Catania. Time to rest up for the next invasion, and I'm trying a new tactic for this new bombing strategy. Hopefully it works to reduce his bomber fleet some so he won't fly so far in unmolested.

The other reason I "HAVE" to withdraw is because of the garrison values changing next turn. I won't have enough cv in Italy to continue a fighting withdrawal, so I'm forced to withdraw and set up defensive lines. With the EF box on this wouldn't be a problem and by now I would have crushed his invasions or seriously put a dent in them. I have to move units from Italy to cover the new garrison values.

I think you can force quite a bit of slogging on both islands still. He hasn't shown any creativity in flanking your positions. The midline in Sardinia is a defenders dream. Set a line with some FZs now. Force him to push up to them and you should be able to get several more weeks of fighting. If he is tied down here and Sicily winning each hex Italy won't be invaded and there will be no trigger for surrender. That will leave you with extra naval transport to stock Corsica for the next slog...

marion61 -> RE: Meklore's AAR, And it's okay if Joc reads it! (3/10/2015 6:10:58 PM)

When he captures a complete island the surrender check starts, plus I'm not going to waste the manpower on FZ's atm on Sardinia. I need them elsewhere and I don't want to be stuck there which would happen eventually as he killed my ports. I leave now, I don't get stranded. He's going to take some time still to take them and since it's the Sept 1 turn, he can't cook an invasion off till at least mid October now (with divisions in it), probably later, and my TOE upgrades in Nov and the reinforcements will here. I have other plans for him, don't worry. [;)]

Seminole -> RE: Meklore's AAR, And it's okay if Joc reads it! (3/10/2015 6:28:56 PM)


When he captures a complete island the surrender check starts, plus I'm not going to waste the manpower on FZ's atm on Sardinia.

I don't spam FZs, but I use them in strategic locations and almost always disband them prior to combat in that hex. I hate losing men and material to an automatic surrender.
Just their presence can influence the decision making of an opponent. Whether or not, and how badly, I want to fight for a hex isn't something he can be certain of.


I have other plans for him, don't worry.

Eagerly anticipated.

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