terry1040 -> Windows mode does work (3/14/2015 12:21:22 PM)
Gentlemen, I am currently running "Battles in Italy" in Windows-Mode on my Desktop through the DXWnd program. Everything seems to work fine for me. Only some graphics glitches with the font (see below). DxWnd is a sort of DirectX emulator (or wrapper) that helps in running old Windows games on modern systems. It forces it to be run IN A WINDOWED MODE on your desktop. You can get DXWnd from this link: http://sourceforge.net/projects/dxwnd/ Here is how to use it: 0. Download the latest version of Dxwnd (it is a .rar pack so you may need WinRAR to unpack it) 1. Unpack all the files to a new folder like "C:\DXWnd\" for example. 2. Start DXWnd and in the main window choose Edit and Add. 3. Name the Target "Battles in Italy" 4. Now in the Path: field click on the "..." and browse to your "Battles in Italy"-Folder, Select "BattlesInItaly.exe" and click open. 5. Modify Position to x 50 y 50 w 1024 h 768 and check the radio button x,y coordinates or desktop center. If using the higher resolution, you can enter w 1280 h 1024. 4. Now click OK and a new entry will appear in the main window of DxWnd. 5. Double click on that name and the game should launch using the DxWnd emulation IN A WINDOW on your desktop. The game works w/o problems. I assume this will also go for all other SSG Games of this Series. However, I still struggle to get the fonts right. [img]http://www11.pic-upload.de/14.03.15/rcm4prqgwmki.jpg[/img] There are so many option with DxWnd. I have not found the right setting yet. Maybe this community is ready to help out? Cheers Terry