jun5896 -> Log Bridge, 1989 (3/28/2015 1:36:33 PM)
NATO vs. Soviet Union Date/Time: 4th September, 1989 / 05:45:00 Zulu Location: Norwegian Sea, Denmark Strait Playable Sides: NATO, USSR Background The fighting over Keflavik has been so heavy that what remains of the airfield, currently held by NATO, is unusable. At the same time, the fighting in Europe has placed demands upon available resources that preclude either side sending long range aircraft to attack or defend Iceland. The fate of Iceland will therefore be decided by a decisive surface battle. This is ASW / ASuW scenario with a duration of two days. I convert from Harpoon CE GIUK Part Scenario. Have a good time and feedbacks, results, bug reports are welcome. Updated 1 April, 2015 Change Log Add neutral object Change Some Helo in NATO, Also fixed formation Now all submarines deployed random starting point.