nashvillen -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (8/11/2015 8:57:11 PM)
ORIGINAL: Lecivius quote:
ORIGINAL: nashvillen He is growing, but puppies do that! How are the chewables in the house doing? You know, everything in the house... [:D] Keep showing pictures as he grows. Kind of like having grandkids. Get to see them occasionally, but don't have to clean up after them! Strawberries and raspberries are toast this year. I left the sliding door open so he could move around while I did chores inside. I went out to check on him after about 10 minutes, and I saw something flying through the air outta the corner of my eye. I turned to look and there was the little minx, flinging a freshly dug up strawberry bush up into the air & rolling over on his back to catch it [sm=00000018.gif] I yelled his name, and he just lay there on his back looking at me upside down with a goofy grin. Tiss a very strange feeling, having your blood boil in anger while at the same time doubling over in laughter [:D] Well, after fighting a balky server all day, I needed that vision. Thank you! [&o][&o]