mikmykWS -> RE: Mission type of offensive ECM (4/12/2015 6:52:01 PM)
ORIGINAL: Felcas This brings the question, how much far a jammer affect enemy? I was playing a scenario sometime ago and I had a huge trouble shooting down bogeys that wanted to sink my fleet just because 2 F-16 with ofensive ECM was jamming my radars (fleet, planes and A-A Missiles) around 180nm away. Depends on the radar being jammed, the jammer and distance. There is no hard fixed value in this game. Its best to experiment and learn but in general you should be screening any attack. As far as the F-16's the pods shouldn't be doing this at all. If you can, please to post a save the next time you see this. My suspicion is there are other jammers out there. M