Battlefields! 3/11 Update (Full Version)

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Erik Rutins -> Battlefields! 3/11 Update (3/12/2003 6:13:13 AM)


Apologies for my tardiness, there have been other priorities and this has been my first chance since Friday to take a moment to attend to the forums. As I was forced to reinstall my computer last week and lost my HyperSnap registration key, you'll have to put up with some little logos in the screen shots for the time being.

Here's some info on Events in Battlefields!, as well as a scenario screenshot. I'd like to see if any of you can identify the likely locale and year...

First, Events:

Battlefields! contains an Event Editor which allows the designer to create a series of events which can be either independent or linked to other events. As in other games, these events allow the designer to strengthen the historical accuracy of the scenario.

In the game, an Event list allows the player to see which events happened on the previous turn.

Battlefields! currently supports the following events, with additional events planned for future expansions:

Info Only
Reinforcement Entry
Reinforcement Turn
Enable Storm
Disable Storm
Enable Event
Disable Event
Set Air Support
Set Air Inter
Set M(edium) Naval
Set L(ong) Naval

Have a look at the attached screenshot and you'll see a bunch of different fields. Some of these are dynamic and vary in their definition depending on the event type, others are used for the same thing throughout. The field in the top right is generally the most type-sensitive.

Events can affect units or formations and can be linked to a single event or multiple events.

Events can be set to trigger as follows:

"Once": an event will be checked once per game.

Example: A reinforcement event linked to a "Control" event is designated to be checked by turn 10. When turn 10 arrives, the event engine will check the control event. If the control event was not activated the reinforcement will be not brought on at all for this game.

"Multiple": Use this setting for an event that may occur several times during the course of the game.

Example: VP addition for control of a specific hex.

"Until": This will ask the event engine to check an event until it occurs.

Example: The beginning of a Storm.

Here's a quick rundown of what the various events mean:

Note that the 14a-c stuff is the definition for each of the dynamic fields for each particular event type.

3.1 Control

Use this event when a force occupies a given location

14a : X Position.
14b : Y Position.
14c : Unused.

3.2 Lull

Us this event to set a lull. During a lull no combat can occur.

14a : Lull duration in turns.
14b : Unused.
14c : Unused.

3.3 Info Only

Use this event to inform players of any useful information related to the scenario. During play this event will be displayed in the event list for the turn of its activation.

14a-c : Unused.

3.4 Reinforcement Entry

Use this event to alter a reinforcement unit's initial entry location

14a : X Position.
14b : Y Position.
14c : Unused.

3.5 Reinforcement Turn

Use this event to alter a reinforcement unit's initial turn entry.

14a : Turn.
14b : Unused.
14c : Unused.
3.6 Replacement

Use this event to alter a specific icon replacement level (i.e. Armor, Motorized Artillery, Tank Destroyer)

14a : Integral part.
14b : Fractional part.
14c : Icon.

Ex : To set Heavy Armor replacement level to 2.5% enter following values :

14a : 2
14b : 5
14c : Select Heavy Armor.

The new replacement level will replace the value initially used in the replacement editor.

3.7 Supply

Use this event to alter supply load (capacity) of depot/dump. This is an absolute setting.

14a : New capacity.
14b : Unused.
14c : Unused.

3.8 Transport

Use this event to increase/decrease transport made available to player. Values will be used as % of previous values.

14a : Percentage.
14b : Unused.
14c : Select transport type.

3.9 Victory

Use this event to add/remove VP for a side.

14a : VP variation.
14b : Unused.
14c : Unused.

3.10 Withdraw

Use this event to remove units from map. After event selection, the unit selection screen will ask for the specific unit.

14a : Unused
14b : Unused.
14c : Select ‘Unique’ or ‘Subordinate’.

3.11 Enable Storm

Use this event to enable storm/blizzard possibility.

14a-c : Unused.

3.12 Disable Storm

Use this event to disable storm/blizzard possibility

14a-c : Unused.

3.13 Enable Event

Use this event to enable an event.

14a : Unused.
14b : Unused.
14c : Unused.

3.14 Disable Event

Use this event to disable an event

14a : Unused.
14b : Unused.
14c : Unused.

3.15 Set Air Support

Use this event to set Air support points.

14a : New Air support points.
14b : Unused.
14c : Select support type.

3.16 Set Air Inter

Use this event to set Air interdiction points.

14a : New Air interdiction points.
14b : Unused.
14c : Select support type.

3.17 Set M(edium) Naval

Use this event to set Medium Range Naval points.

14a : New Medium Naval points.
14b : Unused.
14c : Select support type.

3.18 Set L(ong) Naval

Use this event to set Long Range Naval points.

14a : New Long Naval points.
14b : Unused.
14c : Select support type.

3.19 Recall

Use this event to bring back units previously withdrawn.

14a : X Position.
14b : Y Position.
14c : Select ‘Unique’ or ‘Subordinate’.

3.20 Refit

Use this event to refit units (should be off map). Refit will add the specified amount of TOE to units (max 100). This event is better used in a withdraw/refit/recall cycle.

Hope that whets your appetite! Next time I'll cover combat for our less design/editor focused customers.

Best Regards,

- Erik

Erik Rutins -> Mystery Scenario #1 (3/12/2003 6:15:47 AM)

Ok, I'll start with a zoomed out map view. Note that any shots I post from scenarios are draft in progress versions. These have not yet gone through our review process, so if folks start getting all nit-picky the designers will throw rocks at me and the supply of scenario screenshots will dry up. ;) With that said, here's the first clue:


- Erik

Erik Rutins -> Mystery Scenario #1 (Screenshot 2) (3/12/2003 6:21:51 AM)

This one's much larger and it focuses on a particular section of the map. With any luck, this should be all you need to figure it out. :)


- Erik

Fred98 -> (3/12/2003 8:32:48 AM)

Great job Eric.

Looking forward to the game

gionpeters -> here is my guess (3/12/2003 9:53:55 AM)

I really like the idea of an event editor.

My guess on the scenario: Destruction of Army Group Center ?

Mad Dog

Erik Rutins -> Response... (3/12/2003 11:46:40 AM)

Thanks Joe.

Mad Dog, sounds like you've got the area figured out, but you don't quite have the scenario yet. I'll post another hint tomorrow if no one's guessed it.


- Erik

Dagfinn -> Could it be... (3/12/2003 3:52:19 PM)

Battle of Borisov, 1-4 July 1941.

Here, Soviet 1st Moscow Mot. Div. tries to stop Gen.Nehring's 18th Panzer Division from capturing the crossings of the Berezina River; almost an even fight.

Erik Rutins -> Response... (3/12/2003 8:51:01 PM)


Bingo, you got it! That describes the crux of this scenario, which is being worked on by the very talented Pavel Voylov. His research regarding the Eastern Front is outstanding and I'm very much looking forward to seeing his final designs. Here's an excerpt from the "work in progress" scenario description for this scenario, which goes from June 28th, 1941 through July 9th, 1941.


June 28th, by 17:00 German superiority in quality and quantity proved itself and after three days of bloody battles around Minsk, 20.PzD broke into the center of the city. 2.PzGr and 3.PzGr joined, while the battered Minsk defenders had retreated to the Berezina river.

26 divisions of 3A, 10A and 13A were encircled and doomed. Many battlegroups managed their way through the German encirclement (including groups of 3A and 10A commanders Kuznetsov and Golubev) during the rest of July, but it was just a miserable fraction of the original force.

June 30th, Guderian met with Hoth and they discussed their cooperation for further actions.

Considering the first stage of Operation Barbarossa (destruction of Soviet forces before river Dnieper) completed in the center, 2.PzGr and 3.PzGr now had to advance further and secure the bridgeheads over Dnieper in Rogachev, Mogilev, Orsha (2.PzGr) as well as bridgeheads over Zapadnaja Dvina in Vitebsk and Polotsk (3.PzGr). In particular, the task of 47.MK was to advance through Borisov and Tolochin on Orsha, and establish a bridgehead there.

It wasn't expected to encounter serious opposition, so 47.MK was left with only the single 18.PzD and supporting units (while 17.PzD was temporarily detached to hold the encirclement line). The problem, though, was that German enthusiasm was quite a bit too early.

The Soviet second strategic echelon, consisting of 20A, 21A, 22A already began concentrating behind the Dnieper. These armies were formed in the internal districts, and, despite being more poorly equipped than their compatriots at the front, they were good regular units, posessing significant combat capability.


- Erik

Erik Rutins -> A small screenshot... (3/12/2003 8:54:50 PM)

Here's a section of the Wehrmacht OOB, showing General Nehring's 18th Panzer.


- Erik

EricLarsen -> One nit to pick (3/13/2003 7:03:38 AM)

Ah yes, the Borisov area. I remember doing a really big hypothetical 1944 scenario for the old Talonsoft's East Front series. I did a really good map of the area and I took it from some very detailed period maps of that area that were all in Russian. Thankfully I learned Russian in the Army so I was able to translate it. My question regards the placement of Novo Borisov. My recollection of it's placement is east of the river and up north, not down south on the western side where it's currently at on your map. Could be my recollection is faulty, but if you can check out my Borisov map it would clearly show where it should be.

Otherwise it looks good and one thing I really like is that rivers run along hexsides and not through hexes. That way you can run a road along a river and not end up with a ton of bridge hexes that shouldn't be bridge hexes as was the case in The Operational Art of War.

The event engine stuff looks good as well though I would imagine you might add some more to make sure to cover all possible bases.
Eric Larsen

gionpeters -> nice job... (3/13/2003 7:08:15 AM)

Nice job Dagfinn ! I should of known the map wasnt wide enough for DoAGC.

Just out of curiosity, do any of the scenario designers need any informational help ? While I dont have the largest library, I do have a number of useful volumes. Most of the US army greenbacks. Both volumes of Joslen. The 3 hardbound German OOB books from Nafziger, 2 volumes of Tessin, and a slew of other misc titles.

Mad Dog

Erik Rutins -> Re: One nit to pick (3/13/2003 7:19:52 AM)


[QUOTE]Originally posted by EricLarsen
[B]My question regards the placement of Novo Borisov. My recollection of it's placement is east of the river and up north, not down south on the western side where it's currently at on your map. Could be my recollection is faulty, but if you can check out my Borisov map it would clearly show where it should be.

I can't speak to which side of the river it should be on, but I'll mention this post to Pavel. As these are works in progress, we're waiting until the official playtest/review period. Once the designer says "it's ready", we'll look over each scenario with care. I can tell you that Pavel has been doing a lot of research from original sources and I'm sure you'll be pleased with the end result.


The event engine stuff looks good as well though I would imagine you might add some more to make sure to cover all possible bases.

In the long run, definitely. I believe this list of events is going to remain solid for Battlefields!, but future expansions will see a significant increase.


- Erik

Erik Rutins -> Re: nice job... (3/13/2003 7:22:14 AM)

Mad Dog,

[QUOTE]Originally posted by gionpeters
Just out of curiosity, do any of the scenario designers need any informational help ? While I dont have the largest library, I do have a number of useful volumes. Most of the US army greenbacks. Both volumes of Joslen. The 3 hardbound German OOB books from Nafziger, 2 volumes of Tessin, and a slew of other misc titles.[/B][/QUOTE]

That's definitely a good collection and I thank you for the offer, but as far as I know the designers are fairly flush with reference materials and we do have one dedicated researcher on the design team as well. It sounds like your library will serve you well once you get your hands on the scenario editor though. :)


- Erik

gionpeters -> well, if you do need some info... (3/13/2003 7:26:51 AM)

Well, if anyone does need some info I might have, let me know. I also have some more unusual titles, such as one of Nafzigers books on Italian forces, and one on the 1940 French forces.


Mad Dog

Erik Rutins -> Response... (3/13/2003 7:32:18 AM)

Mad Dog,

Will do. :cool:


- Erik

EricLarsen -> Re: One nit to pick (3/13/2003 10:51:42 PM)

Originally posted by Erik Rutins
[B]I can't speak to which side of the river it should be on, but I'll mention this post to Pavel. As these are works in progress, we're waiting until the official playtest/review period. Once the designer says "it's ready", we'll look over each scenario with care. I can tell you that Pavel has been doing a lot of research from original sources and I'm sure you'll be pleased with the end result. [/B]

The rest of the map looked good, just that one discrepancy. Had I not spent well over a hundred hours making a detailed Borisov map I'd never know the difference. Thanks for passing along my concern and if I'm right it will be one little bit of help from your friend.

Ah, I see you already have expansion packs planned. That's cool, but please don't make the mistake Norm made on ACOW by trying to take several very disparate periods of warfare and rolling it all into one game. You just can't mix WW1 with modern warfare in the same game and make either work right. If you're going to do other time frames besides WW2 please make them seperate games.
Eric Larsen

Erik Rutins -> Response... (3/13/2003 10:55:37 PM)


Don't worry about the expansions. We plan on keeping them WWII-based and oriented towards supporting the current Battlefields!.

If and when we create a new Battlefields! for a different time period, we'll likely release expansion packs for that game as well.

You won't be seeing Battlefields! Expansion #1: Waterloo. ;)


- Erik

L.Queen -> (3/14/2003 11:21:45 AM)

This thread is getting me excited, with all the screenshots. I really liked seeing all the info and seeing that there is somebody else that is from the RAIDER NATION.;)

EricLarsen -> Hopefully Next Year! (3/14/2003 10:42:56 PM)

Originally posted by L.Queen
[B]This thread is getting me excited, with all the screenshots. I really liked seeing all the info and seeing that there is somebody else that is from the RAIDER NATION.;) [/B]

Yeah, another RAIDERS fan! We got to the big dance this year but it seemed like being there was good enough for them. Hopefully they'll return to the big dance and next time go to just win Baby!

I'm getting excited about the game as well as it's been a long time since there's been a decent oeprational WW2 game system put out. TOAW was nice in the beginning but after a few iterations it became a sham for just creating new products with little to no extra added value. Plus when it went to ACOW and became a mess of disparate time periods it was time to move on to something else. Battlefields looks a lot better than TOAW ever did and it will be so much easier to work with as far as scenario design goes.
Eric Larsen

goranw -> Borissow (3/15/2003 2:00:48 AM)

If its an issue?
The river Beresina goes roughly east-west between
Borossow and Nowo-Borissow.West of Borissow it goes
north and east of Nowo-Borissow it goes soth.They lie in a north-south axel. The river Scha starts east of Borissow and goes north.The railway touches Nowo-B but not Borissow. The major road goes through both.
These facts are from the the extremly detailed German OKH-maps from march-42 in scale 1 300 000.I am very interested in mapquestions regarding early Barbarossa and would like to help if wanted.Regards Goranw

Erik Rutins -> Thank you... (3/15/2003 4:17:31 AM)


I'll be sure to have Pavel take a look at these comments as well and contact you if he has any questions.


- Erik

T-28A -> Re: Thank you... (3/15/2003 10:14:12 AM)


Thank you very much for your suggestions. Need to mention, though, that the map you see is from ancient version and, as I consider the scenario being ready for playtest now, there are numerous improvement made till today (including Borisov placement).
Erik, are there any objections if I'll spare some map portions in GIF with Goran to hear his suggestions?


Erik Rutins -> Response... (3/15/2003 10:45:30 AM)


No objections at all, go ahead. Feel free to post a few here too if you like. :)


- Erik

T-28A -> Re: Response... (3/16/2003 12:02:03 AM)


I doubt this would be nearly as exciting as were map ones but here it is. Sign in and receive other free screenshots ;)


gionpeters -> what dioes it say ? (3/16/2003 12:23:09 AM)

Is some of that in Russian ? Other than being a garrison unit, I cant figure out the OOB.

Mad Dog

T-28A -> Re: what dioes it say ? (3/16/2003 1:59:07 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by gionpeters
[B]Is some of that in Russian ? Other than being a garrison unit, I cant figure out the OOB.

Mad Dog [/B][/QUOTE]

Of course. Germans in German, Russians in Russian. Translation tables supplied for them both.
This specific OoB shows the full composition of Borisov garrison. There are four battlegroups (sectors) consisting of several improvised rifle battalions plus several AA and Arty units - you should recognize them without probem. BTW the largest 2nd sector was defending Borisov itself.

Von Rom -> (3/16/2003 9:53:09 AM)

Pardon, if this has been covered before :)

Two questions:

1) when winter comes will this be indicated on the maps with specks of white?

It's a little thing I know, but it always seems odd when playing a wargame and the terrain is green in the winter.

This is something that has been done in wargames going back to PG1.

2) Is this considered to be primarily a game of maneuver similar to TOAW? Or, can a variety of tactics be used?

Erik Rutins -> Response... (3/16/2003 10:55:58 AM)

Von Rom,

There are graphics for arctic terrain as well as overlays for light snow, snow and heavy snow, light mud, mud and heavy mud which change the appearance of the terrain below them when those conditions are present. I'll try to post some screenshots with the next update.

Well, considering that I recall quite a few TOAW scenarios that did not come down to maneuver at all, I'm not sure I entirely understand the question. Battlefields! should allow the general who uses his forces best to win, and maneuver is generally one (but not the only) component to using your forces well.


- Erik

Von Rom -> Re: Response... (3/16/2003 12:49:59 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Erik Rutins
[B]Von Rom,

There are graphics for arctic terrain as well as overlays for light snow, snow and heavy snow, light mud, mud and heavy mud which change the appearance of the terrain below them when those conditions are present. I'll try to post some screenshots with the next update.

Well, considering that I recall quite a few TOAW scenarios that did not come down to maneuver at all, I'm not sure I entirely understand the question. Battlefields! should allow the general who uses his forces best to win, and maneuver is generally one (but not the only) component to using your forces well.


- Erik [/B][/QUOTE]

Erik: Glad to hear about the snow effects. This is even better then I had thought :)

Afterwards, I thought my second question was a bit vague - heh. Although from the sounds of it, I think you answered my question.

So, cutting units off from supply will be a viable strategy then? And if so, what happens to a unit when it is cut-off from supply? For example, after each turn are there desertions, reduction in mobility, strength, morale, etc?

Erik Rutins -> Response... (3/16/2003 12:57:32 PM)

Von Rom,

Oh, cutting off from supply is definitely a good strategy. There are attrition rules and these get worse if a unit is isolated. If a unit is isolated for a longer period of time, desertion/surrender rules kick in as well.

Whenever a unit is out of supply, it's going to end up being more fatigued, lower in effective strength, and more likely to break-off/retreat in combat.

I'll post more info about supply and isolation/attrition in one of the upcoming Battlefields! updates.


- Erik

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