john g -> no enemy left problem (4/7/2001 1:55:00 AM)
Has anyone noticed that if you kill every single last one of the enemy troops, the game seems to lock up. It seems to be a loop that is looking for enemy actions which are no longer there to check. I have been able to get the end of turn button to finally click after several dozen mouse clicks on it, at which time it finally goes to the end of game score screen. I first noticed this when I tried a very small scenario with just one very good sniper on one side vs 2 merely competant ones on the other. After the super sinper kills the other two, the game doesn't respond normally to mouse clicks on the end of turn button, I had to keep clicking on it repeatedly to finally get it to respond.
This is with running v 4.3b, so if it has been fixed since I will hopefully not see this again when I get my copy of MCNA and v5.0.
thanks, John.