Agathosdaimon -> RE: SSG on TV (4/23/2015 1:08:07 AM)
saw that, its good to see actual wargames get featured on the show as usually they only look at the big name titles. there was even a brief clip of Command Ops, Battles from the Bulge and Empire Deluxe.
its a shame they didnt mention Harpoon, as i think that game also has a big part in the history of computer wargames
e_barkmann -> RE: SSG on TV (4/23/2015 1:20:57 AM)
Yes I was hoping for more focus on 2d 'hard core' wargames but 3D was the dominant theme.
nicwb -> RE: SSG on TV (4/23/2015 6:06:55 AM)
Caught the programme on Tuesday. As you say GG usually focuses on shooters. The closest to strategy they get is Total War - a pity. But it was God to see Command Ops get a mention as well as SSG
Do I get extra grognard Points if I owned a copy of the games - they showed Carriers at War. I had that on an Apple IIe along with a few others.