ParJ -> RE: Barbarossa Chisinau weird issue (7/24/2015 10:17:33 AM)
Steve, I can tell you for sure that it's working better in 1.4.5, but not sure it's completely solved. We still saw some discrepacies with supply (two Soviet infantry in the same hex where one was OOS, when viewed by the German player, but the other in supply) but that could have been residue from the original problem. I can provide the saves if needed. I also have a save during German land movement when I moved one unit, undid that move then moved another unit and pressed undo and the latter unit ended up stacked with the first. I haven't tried to reproduce this, will do that first and if I'm successful will post the saves. Both moves were using CTRL+click since I wanted to claim control over specific hexes. Haven't seen this happen when undoing normal moves. You're heading in the right direction, thanks for the effort! Par