bo -> RE: Ground attack vs Ground support (5/8/2015 10:12:11 PM)
ORIGINAL: Mayhemizer Combinatorics was my favorite part in math. I want to give few examples about different situations. In these cases units are in supply and I'm using 2d10: 1) Factor 4 bomber, attack vs 3 units total def value of 16. Ground strike: To flip 3 units: 6,4% -> +5 To flip 2 units: 28,8% -> avg +3,333 To flip 1 unit: 43,2% -> avg +1,667 To flip 0 units: 21,6% -> +0 AVG TOTAL (0,064x5+0,288x3,333+0,432x3,333+0,216x0)= +2 Ground support: +0,5 2) Factor 5 bomber, attack vs 2 units (corps) total def value of 10. Ground strike: To flip 2 units: 25% -> +4 To flip 1 unit: 50% -> +2 To flip 0 units: 25% -> +0 AVG TOTAL +2 Ground support: +1 3) 2 x factor 2 bombers, attacking Yamamoto alone and most likely he is using Defending HQ support (def value 8, HQ value 4). Ground strike: To flip: 36% -> +2 and negating HQ support = +4 To fail: 64% -> +0 AVG TOTAL +1,44 Ground support: +1 In many cases it a question about taking risk of failing ground strike or going with safe ground support. Hopefully calculations are correct [:)] I hate statistics [:@] Really, thank you for that report Mayhemizer [;)] Bo