BrianJH -> RE: Another "I don't know how i've done this" now about stacking limits... (1/23/2017 8:53:16 AM)
ORIGINAL: Shannon V. OKeets quote:
ORIGINAL: Spenser Hi! Well, that is the case during return to base but when i noticed that Antwerpen was already overstacked, i reloaded the game in the land movement phase and found that i could overstack with CW units as described. So the problem is that the game lets me overstack during land movement, this must surely be a bug? Spenser Using your saved game I could not reproduce the problem during the land movement phase. As I described above, it is possible to overstack in a port using naval moves, but the program should warn you about that and force you to correct the problem at the end of the phase. Steve, I noticed that Spenser's save game that was posted is using a really old version of the code. Version 1.4.0 I think. Is it possible that this problem existed then, and has been subsequently fixed in later builds? Brian.