AEWHistory -> The future of merchant convoys.... (5/15/2015 4:01:38 AM)
Well, that's sorta my question: what's the future of this gameplay feature? To be more specific, I'm curious if a few changes are still being considered. First and foremost letting the players control the movement if these convoys. This would give Germany at least an ice cube's chance in hell of getting one of those Atlantic convoys... as it is that will never happen unless you have a generous or inept entente player. Second, random convoy placement. This doesn't really apply for some, such as the Norwegian convoy which would originate in the same spot each time, but the convoys coming from the south Atlantic shouldn't necessarily appear in the same hex each time they show up. Some would appear near Africa, but others should appear closer to the Caribbean, and still others in the center. Now THAT would make for a neat game of hide and seek on the high seas! Third idea I've had is for perhaps a little randomness to convoy size. Not sure if this is a good idea, but it seems like an idea that might be neat. The avg should still work out to 10, but the convoys don't always carry the same materials and have the same value, so why not let the game reflect that. Is that a neat idea or no? One last question: when Germany loses control of the seas early in the game a note flashes that seems to indicate that Germany might be able to get their convoys to resume shipping if they can challenge entente control of the seas and break the blockade. However, I'm not aware of anywhere where it states what constitutes breaking a blockade, does anyone? As always, many thanks!