Rosbjerg -> RE: Modding and Colony Development (5/26/2015 3:19:53 PM)
I'll make a big post about it, with descriptions, pictures, the works when I release. But yeah it's a total conversion set in a universe with very few alien species and no intelligent ones. Earth was abandoned almost 4000 years before the story starts (depending on your starting age of course) and now ~20 human cultures are spreading throughout the universe - a sort of analogy for the 20th century's war of ideologies. There's almost 300 new character portraits, new planets pictures, new techs, new wonders, new governments and obviously completely new races (for a preview you have the Iwi, the Aeta and the Elleda for instance) - named and shaped after real world cultures. The overall speed is slowed a bit to make war and strategy a bit harder. But we'll see whether that succeeds or not.