paulderynck -> RE: tracing a path for re-organizing units (5/30/2015 5:44:20 AM)
Not sure anyone plays without the motorized movement option, but if they did then woods and mountain etc. would cost less and re-org range generally extended on average. Weather effects matter so in Rain it costs 2 per clear hex, etc, but it doesn't reduce range because supply range is less nor does the HQ's re-org value change. It says you trace "like a basic supply path". So correct r.e. enemy ZoC effects and that's it. You can always re-org an adjacent unit, even if it's in Swamp (providing not across all-sea or alpine). If playing with the Railway Movement option (which IMO is hateful and imbalancing) then tracing in Rain down a RR in clear would cost 1, through forest each hex would cost 3 etc. That optional rule about Snow has been clarified subsequently to not apply to re-org nor advance after combat (and possibly breakthrough & overruns), but does apply to overruns during movement. We used it in our last playtest and concluded it was one of those "sounded like a good idea at the time", but overall we ended up not liking how it affected the game.