Where does Matrix's MWIF stand as of June 2015? And other thingss. (Full Version)

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bo -> Where does Matrix's MWIF stand as of June 2015? And other thingss. (6/2/2015 5:35:50 PM)

Before I try to answer that constructively if that is possible for a non Wif'er on these forums.

I have always been a computer gamer from the days of pong, always looking for a re-playable strategic computer war game not a shoot em up like Cod2 IMO without much luck. Panzer general, Carriers at war, on and on fine for a little while but just not enough but that is the nature of the beast.

Since our troubles here with MWIF I have looked on Matrix, Battlefront, Paradox and Slitherine for such a game, my major problem became once I was familiar with MWIF every game paled against this great game including Mr Grigsby WitW.

On Slitherine there is a game called Order of Battle Pacific, I watched the you tube demo and it looked very interesting and almost bought it until I read the forums, now it might be in better shape than MWIF but after reading all the crashes and problems it was having I begin to wonder if anybody has their games right for sale.

Our forums are getting downright insulting and nasty, most of the milder posters have left not wanting to get caught up in all the insults flying back and forth or even reading about the posts, shame on us.

warspite took me to task for defending Erik and his inability to speak to the MWIF nation, and I accept and respect that knowing that warspite has a good heart and is strongly defending his beloved MWIF and Steve and his health. He does it with conviction and sincerity which I admire in a poster.

I just admitted after thinking what warspite said about that with Erik and his failure to speak up about the condition of MWIF, I feel I should man up and agree with him because he is correct.

I enjoy warspite but I think it is time to no linger defend the indefensible of the way Matrix and Steve have handled this, even though at times he has been critical of the handling of MWIF.

We all know that without Steve there is no MWIF good bad or indecent, so lets get that out of the road [:(]


1- Open up the very secret beta forums to the public then we wont need Erik to state the state of MWIF, there are only 4 beta testers left anyway so whats the secret. Unless you have had a lobotomy you have to know Steve is stuck on netplay and just maybe some poster here or some wheres can help him.

2- Steve IMO is a very open and honest person who has a degree in computer studies from an University, but even they did not prepare him for MWIF and IMO needed to take a course in people management, brillaint, smart as a professor but sometimes professors need a peoples course.

3- Steve needs to go to the forums and not the Mwif monthly reports forum which IMO a lot of nothing and tell it like it is. His predictions of completeness has been less than fulfilling here and that I believe is why he is reluctant to give predictions or say where MWIF stands, but that is just an excuse.

4- Something is wrong here you do not need to have an diploma to know that.

5- Erik absolutely has to come out about the state of MWIF, is it in trouble from a business standpoint, is it in danger of deflating an already damaged Matrix reputation in the computer war gaming industry.

What is Matrix going to do about Steve and MWIF, is there a time limit before this ship sinks or would Matrix right the ship by going in a different direction like a programming company even if it cost them funds?

6- Comment about a hobby for Steve, actually have no problem with that in case MWIF is closed down by Matrix he could continue with updates another way [[[unless a contract he signed stipulates he must cease and desist from MWIF]]] and I believe he is decent and dedicated enough to do just that. Somebody with authority needs to say something, anything, Good Lord people.


Centuur -> RE: Where does Matrix's MWIF stand as of June 2015? And other thingss. (6/2/2015 8:23:17 PM)

On 1: I totally disagree. I like to have a place available for the test team to have our own private discussions, where we can say whatever we like to say, without having the whole world reading (well, the whole MWIF world). Is Steve stuck on Netplay? I don't know. I don't believe so. The game is improving slowly (to slow), but surely. It looks promising on Netplay too. Don't know when it will be available. It will need a lot of "public" testing, since the nature of the game makes it impossible to test everything.

On 2: You can only learn people management the hard way. A course isn't good enough for it.

On 3: I rather have Steve fixing bugs, than chatting on the forums. He's been around in the tech forums lately, so he keeps in touch. That's enough, I believe...

On 4: I agree. What's wrong is that this game should have been put on the market as a public beta.

On 5: I agree. I think the behaviour of Matrix is insulting to the customers.

On 6: Don't know what you are meaning by this remark. I don't believe Matrix will pull the plug at all. I do believe that they are less interested in this game at the moment, since it is a one man programmer. As long as the programmer stays around, there isn't any economic reason to pull the plug.

ncc1701e -> RE: Where does Matrix's MWIF stand as of June 2015? And other thingss. (6/2/2015 9:10:39 PM)



1- Open up the very secret beta forums to the public then we wont need Erik to state the state of MWIF, there are only 4 beta testers left anyway so whats the secret. Unless you have had a lobotomy you have to know Steve is stuck on netplay and just maybe some poster here or some wheres can help him.

Only four BETA testers left? [X(] To validate all the possible options for this game, it seems pretty low to me for testing.

Is there any kind of automation testing done for patch regression on this game? Knowing the subject, I could tell you automation testing is helping a lot. We are gaining time and bandwidth to do the regression while testers are concentrating on new features.

Don’t know if the game has the related API to perform that but it may be worst to check.

paulderynck -> RE: Where does Matrix's MWIF stand as of June 2015? And other thingss. (6/2/2015 9:25:51 PM)

Automated testing for regression bugs was brought up long ago, and the developer stated it was not a feasible option. There is no API.

bo -> RE: Where does Matrix's MWIF stand as of June 2015? And other thingss. (6/2/2015 9:40:16 PM)


ORIGINAL: paulderynck

Automated testing for regression bugs was brought up long ago, and the developer stated it was not a feasible option. There is no API.

Glad someone knows what API means in the beta section [&o]


bo -> RE: Where does Matrix's MWIF stand as of June 2015? And other thingss. (6/3/2015 5:21:24 PM)



paulderynck -> RE: Where does Matrix's MWIF stand as of June 2015? And other thingss. (6/3/2015 5:41:49 PM)


Erik Rutins -> RE: Where does Matrix's MWIF stand as of June 2015? And other thingss. (6/3/2015 6:03:48 PM)

Regarding my failure to post within a few weeks after my initial post, I agree this was terrible customer service from me. However, I unfortunately had a family health crisis happen just a week after making that post. While I have been working since then, it has been with limited hours and it set me far back on many tasks that I had not yet completed before the crisis. This many weeks should never have passed, but I am working with Steve now to get that state of the game post done and to have it coincide with some new updates that have been going through iterative testing.

No disrespect to the community was intended, but I should have posted something earlier rather than staying silent while I was falling behind.


- Erik

bo -> RE: Where does Matrix's MWIF stand as of June 2015? And other thingss. (6/3/2015 6:04:38 PM)



bo -> RE: Where does Matrix's MWIF stand as of June 2015? And other thingss. (6/3/2015 6:06:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: Erik Rutins

Regarding my failure to post within a few weeks after my initial post, I agree this was terrible customer service from me. However, I unfortunately had a family health crisis happen just a week after making that post. While I have been working since then, it has been with limited hours and it set me far back on many tasks that I had not yet completed before the crisis. This many weeks should never have passed, but I am working with Steve now to get that state of the game post done and to have it coincide with some new updates that have been going through iterative testing.

No disrespect to the community was intended, but I should have posted something earlier rather than staying silent while I was falling behind.


- Erik

Thanks for the reply Erik it is your business not ours you have to do what is best for yourself and Matrix. Hope the family matter has a happy conclusion as I have just been there also.


paulderynck -> RE: Where does Matrix's MWIF stand as of June 2015? And other thingss. (6/3/2015 6:23:17 PM)




ORIGINAL: paulderynck

What you are asking about concerning ADG is not knowable. Speculating about it is a waste of time and would become a source of false rumor.

I have your opinion now lets heart some others if they are allowed [:(]

There was a rumor that I could not have 98 annual legally and therefore could not distribute it [as it was copy written by ADG] to posters on the general posts, but that rumor was straightened out by Harry himself wasn't it. There is a lot of waste of time here and not just on the posts. I did not ask for false rumors just speculation.


Great. So:
a) ask harry
b) ask him if his reply (when it comes) is able to be shared
c) if so, share it

Speculation and false rumor are almost the same thing and one leads to the other.

bo -> RE: Where does Matrix's MWIF stand as of June 2015? And other thingss. (6/3/2015 6:26:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: paulderynck




ORIGINAL: paulderynck

What you are asking about concerning ADG is not knowable. Speculating about it is a waste of time and would become a source of false rumor.

I have your opinion now lets heart some others if they are allowed [:(]

There was a rumor that I could not have 98 annual legally and therefore could not distribute it [as it was copy written by ADG] to posters on the general posts, but that rumor was straightened out by Harry himself wasn't it. There is a lot of waste of time here and not just on the posts. I did not ask for false rumors just speculation.


Great. So:
a) ask harry
b) ask him if his reply (when it comes) is able to be shared
c) if so, share it

Speculation and false rumor are almost the same thing and one leads to the other.

I have deleted it paul and will try to stick to 3rd Reich as my frustrations are becoming to loud.


warspite1 -> RE: Where does Matrix's MWIF stand as of June 2015? And other thingss. (6/3/2015 6:28:48 PM)




ORIGINAL: paulderynck

What you are asking about concerning ADG is not knowable. Speculating about it is a waste of time and would become a source of false rumor.

I have your opinion now lets heart some others if they are allowed [:(]

There was a rumor that I could not have 98 annual legally and therefore could not distribute it [as it was copy written by ADG] to posters on the general posts, but that rumor was straightened out by Harry himself wasn't it. There is a lot of waste of time here and not just on the posts. I did not ask for false rumors just speculation.


Bo I have no idea how these things work and understandably we will probably never know of course because this is a contract between Matrix, ADG and Steve. But it would still be interesting to know!

Questions are:

- who approached who? Obviously CWIF did not go as planned, but would be interesting to know if ADG touted the game rights around or did Matrix seek out Harry? Where did Steve come in to the equation too?

- Were ADG paid up front with a % for each sale? or is money paid over only as a % of sales?

- Was there a time limit imposed on releasing the game?

- What are the conditions (if at all) under which the rights can be transferred away from Matrix and back to ADG?

I suspect that ADG have no further say in this project - or we may well have heard about it by now.

I can't see any real downside for ADG with this project though - indeed I wonder how many people have bought the board game, their interest having been piqued by the computer game and the time taken for it to be released.

I can't see the release of the computer game hurting ADG sales going forward. Hell I still buy every add-on, every version of the board game there is - even though I know I will never play it again. Hopefully ADG will release revised (MWIF style) maps at some point - and I will buy them too!!

Not even sure what the position of ADG is - interesting that they put Blitz and the WWI game in the hands of another company - and they won't release the other 1000 products unless they get x no. of orders (which don't seem to be happening).

As I say, it would be nice to know these things just to satisfy curiosity.

I wonder how Harry feels, knowing he designed the best war game ever? [:)][&o]

bo -> RE: Where does Matrix's MWIF stand as of June 2015? And other thingss. (6/3/2015 6:34:05 PM)

Forgive me for that post my frustrations are running very high right now did not take my lorazapan today [:(] Will try to stick to 3rd Reich, apologize for getting you involved warspite.


warspite1 -> RE: Where does Matrix's MWIF stand as of June 2015? And other thingss. (6/3/2015 7:06:47 PM)



Forgive me for that post my frustrations are running very high right now did not take my lorazapan today [:(] Will try to stick to 3rd Reich, apologize for getting you involved warspite.


What are you apologising for? It's just a bit of idle speculation - not something for anyone to get worked up about!

Some people on these forums may know something about how these things work generally - but as I say, we will never know for certain. But importantly it's not as if the answers to any of the questions are a "smoking gun" or "contentious" and thus there is no harm in idle speculation.

gravyhair -> RE: Where does Matrix's MWIF stand as of June 2015? And other thingss. (6/3/2015 9:07:43 PM)

Erik - you rock. Thanks. :-)

bo -> RE: Where does Matrix's MWIF stand as of June 2015? And other thingss. (6/3/2015 11:14:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: gravyhair

Erik - you rock. Thanks. :-)

Wow Erik you went from a horrible Ogre to a rock star in one day [:D] Congrats.

I do hope freedom of speech is not in danger on the Matrix posts [;)]


Joseignacio -> RE: Where does Matrix's MWIF stand as of June 2015? And other thingss. (6/5/2015 8:01:06 AM)




ORIGINAL: gravyhair

Erik - you rock. Thanks. :-)

Wow Erik you went from a horrible Ogre to a rock star in one day [:D] Congrats.

I do hope freedom of speech is not in danger on the Matrix posts [;)]


Hahaha. Well, it depends on whether the matter treated is uncomfortable for Matrix. Or anybody here believes it was for personal attacks? After all the other threads with personal attacks, he closes that one... [:-] [:D]

WarHunter -> RE: Where does Matrix's MWIF stand as of June 2015? And other thingss. (6/5/2015 1:39:52 PM)

The dwarves will never stop discussing MWiF.
In between fighting orcs, trolls and drinking beer.


warspite1 -> RE: Where does Matrix's MWIF stand as of June 2015? And other thingss. (6/5/2015 2:17:06 PM)



The dwarves will never stop discussing MWiF.
In between fighting orcs, trolls and drinking beer.

Admiral of the Fleet Sir Grumpy warspite1

....and setting up home with young princesses who are on the run from evil queens....


bo -> RE: Where does Matrix's MWIF stand as of June 2015? And other thingss. (6/5/2015 3:51:42 PM)



The dwarves will never stop discussing MWiF.
In between fighting orcs, trolls and drinking beer.


Your right we will never stop discussing MWIF Warhunter, unless, a big unless, we were actually very busy playing the game as it should be played [;)] And not talking about it.


Erik Rutins -> RE: Where does Matrix's MWIF stand as of June 2015? And other thingss. (6/11/2015 6:31:05 PM)

Please find the new "State of the Game" now pinned at the top of this forum. Direct link here;


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