JAMiAM -> New 1941-45 Campaign scenario posted (6/4/2015 3:22:42 AM)
Hi, This is a very minor reworking of the standard 1941-45 Campaign scenario. It is designed to make the Lvov Gambit a bit more difficult to pull off. Please try this out, and let me know if the changes work as intended, and whether this skews the balance too much in favor of the Soviets. What has changed? Actually, very little. I have repositioned about 2 dozen Soviet units and four Rumanian units. No unit's stats have been changed. Only their locations. No unit has been moved more than 5 hexes from its initial position, as per the Jan 22, 2015 official version of the scenario. Why the changes? As most players know, the Lvov Gambit has long been the standard opening move for most Axis players. In my opinion, as well as many others, this opening creates a situation in the SW Front area which is grossly unhistorical, and greatly accelerates the Axis sweep through Poland and the Western Ukraine. Due to the IGO-UGO nature of the game, the Axis 1st turn special movement rates, the pre-knowledge of Soviet unit positioning and their inability to react during the Axis turn, along with the many dry-run iterations allowable for Axis players to develop the "perfect move", the Soviets are often placed in an unjustifiably bad position, right from the start. What are the changes designed to accomplish? Primarily they are designed to mimic some minimal reactions to the standard path taken by AGS in its drive to the Rumanian border, that usually results in roughly half of SW Front's units being cut off on the 1st turn. The positions of the Soviet combat units have been slightly changed to take better advantage of some of the defensive features in the area. Some HQs have been repositioned, so to either be stacked with friendly units (to prevent easy displacement), while others have been slightly relocated to 'safer' rear areas so that they occupy hexes out of friendly zoc, in order to prevent the mass conversion of Soviet held rear areas to Axis control during the 1st Logistics phase. With this second point in mind, some minor Soviet combat units were relocated within the rear areas to exert friendly zoc over a larger, contiguous area to prevent mass conversion. To prevent the Soviets from being able to simply rail out the otherwise trapped 6th, 12th, and 26th Armies, I have restored the Rumanian units positions to the Prut River that earlier versions had them occupying, slightly changed to allow them a very good chance of holding the river line, should the Soviet player be tempted to DOW Rumania, in an effort to clear the border rail line of ezocs. A dedicated push by the Axis should still be able to cut the Stanislav-Proskurov line, to the SE of Tarnopol. This should allow the Soviets to supply those armies, yet not rail them to safety in a likewise unhistorical fashion. I fully expect that the possibility exists for clever players to figure out how to defeat these rather minor changes. Whether this comes from committing more units to AGS from AGC, taking alternate paths, or simply pocketing the troops on turn 2, or later, will be determined by the players choices and a bit of luck. In any event, I hope you like the changes and will give the scenario a try. The scenario is attached in a zip file. Again, please give me feedback on how well this works, both short term, and long term.