Modding-related files from WCS (Full Version)

All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> Brother against Brother: The Drawing of the Sword >> Mods and Scenarios


Gil R. -> Modding-related files from WCS (6/5/2015 4:47:24 PM)

I'll be using this thread to post files needed for modding BAB.

First, here is a Word document with the current version of the Modder's Guide. As the guide gets updated I'll replace the file.

Gil R. -> RE: Modding-related files from WCS (6/5/2015 4:50:47 PM)

Next, here is an Excel spreadsheet with all of the important information pertaining to the game's 58 gun types. The file was created from the guns.txt file that the game uses, but has all superfluous columns removed. It is meant for quick consultation.

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