RiftHick -> RE: max capacity capacities cap caps in (6/6/2015 9:15:42 PM)
Yes you can stack tractor beams and yes they work perfectly fine, when you fight multiple targets you'll even see the ship/ station prioritise focus (it's main target) while using some of other nearby enemies that get close enough. Yes if you have dozens of one weapon you have dozens of that weapon in actuality, chances are you're seeing stacked animations for each of the same weapon when it fires so it appears only to be a single consistent salvo, however please consider power requirements just because you can fire some of them...doesn't mean that you can fire them all when the fire rate says you can/ could. Be sure that you have the energy storage and generation to keep up with the combined requirements of ship movement, shield regeneration and weapons fire. If you have less storage than the ship needs for weapons then you'll likely only fire some of your weapons and not them all resulting in consistent but smaller salvos. If you have good generation but lack energy storage then you'll have intermittent salvos but it'll be much more staggered than the other example. As for your cargo and extractor questions, some of them are likely covered by Airpower and others in the thread "Resource Mining and you" (I'd link but can't due to forum rules). Trace scanners work, they allow you to see a neutral/ enemy ships fuel status, on board troop count, and I think energy storage and if it as component damage I think also if it's a pirate freighter. Scanner Jammer is a defence against Trace Scanners and only Trace Scanners they work on a simple numbers approach if the scanner is strength 10 and the jammer is also strength 10 then no scanning gets done.