Gunner98 -> RE: Kushans Command Stream (9/30/2019 10:55:18 AM)
I have though about a similar scenario but have backed away form it because of the vastness. I thought about just breaking it into a small piece like just the area in the 2nd TAF responsibility. This is a tough nut to crack. I've considered it a lot. Each mission would almost need to be broken down into three parts: 1. A2A, Offensive Counter Air or a Fighter Sweep in older terms 2. SEAD/DEAD 3. Strike This could all conceivably be in one scenario, but I think you'd want to limit that scenario to 8 hours or less and Lua forces in and out. Hard to imagine a large strike going in being smaller than about 30-50 AC (12-18 A2A, 6-10 SEAD, 12-18 strikers plus as few support), and the reacting force being at least that. So even a small mission is a fairly busy scenario. It would all have to be air centric, no naval action as that is on the flanks. Do-able but tricky. B