joemann -> Casualties don't add up? (6/18/2015 5:27:46 PM)
I already posted this issue once but never had a reaction but am still wondering if this is an issue. I played the second scenario on the Allied side. After the battle I checked the status of my units. I noticed that if I added up the enemy casualties of each individual gun in Bijlevelds battery (total of 6)and compared it with the total casualties in Bijleveld's (the officer commanding the battery)status report they did not match. Bijleveld showed +/- 500 enemy casualties more than the total of the guns. Am I overlooking something obvious? Are the enemy casualties shown accuarate figures or is it the units' (over)estimate of enemy casualties it has caused? The enemy casualties show in the leader's status report are the som of the enemy casualties in his subordinate units I suppose. If the figures shown are accurate, did i miscalculate (always possible) or is it a bug. Anyone else notice this?