Admiral DadMan -> (3/20/2003 9:28:48 PM)
[QUOTE]Originally posted by rcwkent [B]The turn I just played this AM in a PBEM game. Rabul was hit by 93 B17's showing 100+hits and airfield damage went from 34 to 92 Shortand has hit by 90+ B26's and damage went from 40ish to 100. Unfortunately for me, as IJN- these bombers are as effective in 2.30 as before. [/B][/QUOTE]I have one word for you that alleviates the damage issue quite nicely: Engineers. One of my PBeM opponents was regularly knocking out PM, GG, and Lunga with death from the skies. I gathered up all the ENGs I could get together, kept them supplied, and viola'- no more shut down runways. I even withstood 110 B-17s per day/turn over 4 turns. He chewed up tons of supply and fuel, and did substantial damage to the runway and service, but couldn't knock out the runway, and paid the price. (I love my torpedo jockeys...)