Admiral DadMan -> RE: PHANTOM CARGO (7/30/2015 12:08:24 PM)
ORIGINAL: duettoalfa Thanks for writing Admiral DadMan, I followed you till step 4. In step 4 you separate the "bad" TKs from the good TK. correct? In step 5 you disband the 2 bad TKs in a major port (I tried Sf, LA and eastern US). I dont understand step 6: I make a single ship TF with a "bad"ship? and then? My bad AKs have been disbanded and put in new TFs (transport TFs) several times and they never unloaded. You say I should keep disbanding them and create new TFs until one fine day the game decides they can be unloaded? If this is not what you meant, would you please try to explain it again for me? Thank you Cargo, Transport, Tanker, and Amphib TFs handle loading differently, with different load rates, and different load priorities. So if you load a ship in one mode (Cargo), then move it to a TF that has different mode (Transport), the game doesn't know what to do with it. And you can't just simply create new TF or transfer the ship back to a TF with its original mode. You have to either get it back to its original TF# if it still exists with its original mode, or disband the original TF# and reform it to clear the memory for that TF#. This will take a bit of work to fix if it is what I think it is. Go back to the turn(s) when the AK's in question were functioning properly, and find the TF number they were in AT THAT TIME. If they were in (I'll make up a number) TF150, and were working fine, then you either changed TF150's mission, or you moved those AK's to another TF, either by "transfer" or "create new TF" and probably with a different mission type. What then happened is that were stuck with TF150's mission memory, but in a different TF type. I.e. TF150 was a "Cargo" TF with 5 ships, 2 were moved to a new TF (via Transfer or Create) that had a mission of "Transport". The 2 that moved to the "Transport" TF are stuck with a "Cargo" load/function -Unload and disband your "bad" AK's. When that is done, -Go back to the turn when they were working correctly, and find the TF that these came from (I'll call it "TF150"). -Note the TF's ("TF150") mission (Cargo, Transport, etc.) -Go to your current turn. -Find this TF ("TF150") -Click "Create New TF" -Make a TF of the SAME TYPE (Cargo, Transport, etc.) -Move ONLY the ships from THIS TF ("TF150") into it. -By doing this, the new TF should have the same Destination and Home Port. (If it's a CS TF, then you have to wait until it gets back to its Home Port to reset it to CS again.) LEAVE THE "BAD" AK's disbanded. What you now have to do is to clear the ("TF150") mission memory to release your "bad" AK's. To do that, ("TF150") has to be re-formed, preferably with a new mission type. There are probably many unused TF slots less than 150, so -form 1 ship TF's until you reach 150 -go to San Francisco and start making TF's. -make 1 ship "Escort" TF's (because I had a lot of AK's) until you get near the problem TF#. -keep making TF's until you make a "TF150" with "Escort" mission. Then do what ever else you were going to do, or if you're done your turn, End Turn. On the next turn, you can disband all of those dummy TF's, and you should have your AK's back to normal.