Solved - Camera Hotkey Up/Down? (Full Version)

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GenChaos33 -> Solved - Camera Hotkey Up/Down? (6/29/2015 12:32:08 AM)

Manual states 'Spacebar' for up, 'Left Shift' for down.

But on my computer, this does NOT work. Anyone else with same issue?

con20or -> RE: Camera Hotkey Up/Down? (6/30/2015 12:51:04 PM)

Seems to be working fine. A few questions to help clear things up:

1. Have you modified/deleted your keyboard file?
2. Are any other keyboard commands not working, like M, N, C, Esc?
3. Have you any mods activated?

Leffe7 -> RE: Camera Hotkey Up/Down? (6/30/2015 2:02:17 PM)

4. Did you activate the WASD mode in the in-game Options? In this mode, those keys have a different effect. Left-Shift will change the speed your avatar rides (slow/fast). Spacebar will let you halt.

GenChaos33 -> RE: Camera Hotkey Up/Down? (6/30/2015 2:36:06 PM)

1. No, where is the file? I'm using old windows 7.
2. No, all other keys seem to work.
3. Only mod on is the full french campaign? Might try the Toolbar Grog thing soon.
4. No, where is this option? I do not see option in Main Menu options or In-Battle options screen.

(edit #4) Just loaded game, spacebar and Left shift does halt and run/walk. How do I change it back?)

FYI-The spacebar and left shift does work on the sandbox campaign map but not when in any type of battle(campaign or single).

GenChaos33 -> RE: Camera Hotkey Up/Down? (6/30/2015 3:00:37 PM)

Its #4. I changed in-game option HITS Move from 5(default?) to 0. Now, it works. Thank you.

con20or -> RE: Camera Hotkey Up/Down? (6/30/2015 3:01:48 PM)

No problem - glad you got it sorted. Good suggestion Leffe!

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