roeddog -> OT: Reading and Listening resources when not playing (7/6/2015 12:24:27 PM)
Hi all, Most of you are probably aware of these two sites since you play MWiF still, I thought I'd throw them up just in case. The first is a series of downloadable PDF books on the U.S. Army in WWII. There are 12 major sections and each section has from one to multiple books/chapters under them covering most aspects of the U.S. Army. For example under the section titled The Army Ground Forces are the books The Organization of Ground Combat Troops and The Procurement and Training of Ground Combat Troops. Admittedly, some of it is pretty dry reading however, it is quite informative. I'm not sure of its value in scenario design or creation for MWiF (or any other game for that matter) as I am not a designer/creator, just a consumer of you guys awesome creations. Here is the LINK for the books The second resource I have posted on a few times in the past. It is a whole library of U.S news reports covering the entire war years from 1939 through 1945/6. Link is HERE . There are also several other WWII era recordings like Words at War a series that adapted war time books into audio for the folks on the homefront. Enjoy JeffR