Soviet Campaign OOB (Full Version)

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MBot -> Soviet Campaign OOB (7/9/2015 12:56:57 PM)

I finaly started to play to Soviet campaign and am having great fun. So far 3 decisive wins in a row with 94% VPs in the last scenario :)

I do have some questions about the OOB and the thoughts behind it. Your core force consists of a tank regiment and a MR regiment. I wonder why there is only one Regimental Artillery Group consisting of 3 batteries. Shouldn't each regiment have its own RAG? I understand that the absence of any divisional (or higher) artillery can be explained by not being in the Schwerpunkt of the division, but each regiment would bring along its own artillery battalion.

As per common Soviet practice the 3 tank battalions of the tank regiment each have an attached MR company from the 4th MR battalion. What happened with the other assets of the MR battalion, especially its mortar battery?

Have these forces been left out for gameplay reasons or is there some real Soviet practice that explains this setup?

Tazak -> RE: Soviet Campaign OOB (7/9/2015 2:26:22 PM)

Its a method of scenario designing called "making do with what you have, not what you should have" [:D], you'll see MR uses this approach quite often where he doesn't give you everything as per OOBs

CapnDarwin -> RE: Soviet Campaign OOB (7/9/2015 3:17:35 PM)

Rarely does any force hit the field with a full kit. Things break, assets get reassigned and mistakes are made. We definitely force the player to look over his force and make hard choices in how to fight the battle. [sm=00000436.gif]

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