Instant rifle div - not posted in event log (Full Version)

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Chubb -> Instant rifle div - not posted in event log (7/19/2015 6:55:45 AM)

This might be a related error to the auto-guards updates and total units count.
Vers 1.08.03

Just this turn got 1st rifle div , with max TOE at 0 % popped up in front of Leningrad. Affiliated to STAVKA, no reason to pop up and Not listed in event log.

Chubb -> RE: Instant rifle div - not posted in event log (7/19/2015 7:02:52 AM)

Oops, Just realised I'm running the old version - this is the ghost unit thing. Did a system restore and must have wiped out the 1.08.04
My bad - please delete as you see fit


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