krull -> been gone (4/14/2001 7:46:00 AM)
Hi to many peopel I had pbem games with. My computer died and I also got put into the hospital for a few weeks. While gone my wife purchased a new computer and sadly thru my old one away. Is there anyway i can get 4.5 spwaw back i was modifying alot of stuff on it for what if game play.
Not to emntion I had many friends i was playing with who i no longer have ther eemail and cant seem to get oto the leagues. I can not rember my password and when try to send off for it it just freezes up at the page.
If any one knows where i can get 4.5 Pleas e let me know at
that wahy i can play peopel with it while waiting for 5.0 to come out thanks