LordArkham -> RE: New Player Saying Hi (7/27/2015 10:26:45 AM)
ORIGINAL: Uncle Lumpy With that size of a galaxy, and so few stars, I can see how logistics can be a bit of a problem. There must be precious few resources available and you would have to go forever to get to them. Depending upon how many other empires you're up against, competition must be fierce. But then, if you only have a couple of other empires, it could be epic. Cool possibility!! It is pretty challenging and exciting! I see how the AI targets fueling stations first when you're at war with them. They harass pretty well! And with the void between star systems it keeps you on your toes as to where to keep your fleets so they can respond quickly. Hehe, I just found out why I don't want to nuke too many planets :-) Empire split! Love it.