Tazak -> RE: Range vs Los (7/21/2015 10:18:12 PM)
Hopefully some accurate answers: In this pic the Los is about 1500/2000m max but the Range for some locations goes out approx 12 hexs (6000m) can I engage hexs covered in red even if they are out of my Los? The manual does state "Note: in some circumstances this may extend past current visible range – this is intentional." is this the situation they are referencing? A - looking at the image it looks a bit dark so I assume its night or other low light image so yes your weapons *could* fire beyond visual range but target engagement is limited to what it can see, as the visibility gets better you'll engage further Also the brighter red is the range of the Units Air defense weapon correct? A - I believe so And lastly can someone explain the number in each hex? I view it as a percentage, either change of detecting or a successful engagement, is this close? A - yes its the chance to spot/hit, its based on visibility/cover and can be further modified by targets profile (recon/movement etc)