marcpennington -> RE: Brother Against Brother Updated to Version 1.0.6. (9/23/2015 12:26:30 AM)
I'll be honest that I had suspended my PBEM games during the 1.06 beta, and have not played since, but I will take a look at again the issue I raised awhile ago on units that are highlighted red not describing the proper routed/ disordered/ retreated messages under the proper 1.06 patch. I assume though, those messages/ pop-ups when they first happen (as well as things like officer killed, etc.) don't appear during PBEM games still? I'm basically just not really gonna start another PBEM game til things like that are resolved. And for the record, actual replay in PBEM is not as big an issue for me as others--- what's just needed is a way to get all the info after the fact, particularly pop-up messages. That as well as the way that when executing a PBEM turn (again, maybe this was corrected in the full 1.06), occasionally the game will switch FOW to the other side. But again, this comes from a guy who really, really likes the underlying system, and I would certainly buy another game in the series, though only after various of these issues have been shown to be resolved in the current game. It just seems like a 90% there thing, 10% to go, but that 10% is really putting a cramp on those of us who only play by PBEM, and never even bother against the AI.