DELTA32 -> OP FIRE Against Units Moving Into Concealment/Cover (4/16/2001 3:33:00 AM)
One thing that has really disappointed me about the SPWAW system is the manner in which OP FIRE engages units moving into woods, forests, building hexes, etc., from the rear ! As an example, infantry units moving into a concealed/cover hex (such as woods or buildings) from the rear of the hex should NOT be engaged by enemy fires ! OP FIRE is treating these units exactly as they are treated as though moving into a clear or open terrain hex for purposes of OP FIRE target engagement ! Units moving from outside a defender's line-of-sight into the aforementioned terrain types should NOT be engaged until they fire their weapons. Tactically, it is only prudent to move into cover/concealment from the rear...yet SPWAW does not allow players to use this tactic. What gives ? Thoughts, opinions, comments ?
Delta 3-2