I'll post this file, but I can't give any specifics as to what caused this. Can anyone find Germany's Air Transport and Para? The game still lists it as units in game. I know that they are. Can't find them anywhere.
Should also note, the find units tab shows them as moving. Where, is my question!
Something went wrong with and air transport or paradrop mission. MWiF thinks the units are currently being moved, and thus they are no place in particular on the map (moving).
There used to be a nasty naval movement bug (since fixed) that could leave units in limbo, with the same "moving" message. I have not seen this happen with air transport before. This will probably be very hard to track down.
Since there are a lot more naval moves than air transports, it is not surprising that the naval movement bug was discovered and fixed before the air transport bug was even found.
Braig -> RE: Find Amelia! (8/15/2015 7:43:08 PM)
Thanks Courtnay. Hope it gets looked into. Kind of a big deal losing your para's to the wind, so to speak.