joebloggs -> RE: Patch first (11/22/2015 11:29:40 AM)
ORIGINAL: rommel222 Greetings to All, Almost 7 months after release a patch is released to fix bugs. But the patch causes the game to freeze or crash. I almost purchased the game Friday but thought, wait for comments/AARs. As much as I would like to purchase, I am not going to pay for the honor to be a norbsoft beta tester. I will wait for a COMPREHENSIVE patch before buying, Back to HPS sims and Histwar Yeah, right on. Why not go back to Histwar and be their Beta tester. Game was released TWO years ago and is still unplayable. Promised features have not been released and when you visit the forums the only activity is the tumbleweed blowing about. Don't get me started on the user interface. I have bought all JMM's releases in the various guises thinking that this time it will be great. Well no more I'm afraid. Enjoy your long, long beta test. I can at least play SOWW and enjoy it. Comprehensive patch released after five months, not too bad.