loki100 -> Turn 51: 1 – 7 July 1944 (12/8/2015 7:49:17 AM)
Turn 51: 1 – 7 July 1944 Last turn my new master plan, was to hold the Allies to the north of the Seine. That lasted, oh, ... not very long. [image]http://imagizer.imageshack.us/img903/4914/IwmD5K.jpg[/image] Just to make things worse, the British bombed the zoo in Duisberg, killing off some of the local Panther breeding stock [IMG]http://img911.imageshack.us/img911/4092/e0yuk2.jpg[/IMG] Given the other discussion, here is the loss table so far: [IMG]http://img903.imageshack.us/img903/6373/Hgt8F3.jpg[/IMG] My crew losses are going up as I am taking more and more squadrons off 'trained pilots'. Instead that is being reserved for my new Me-262s. VP situation [IMG]http://img910.imageshack.us/img910/2658/bMA935.jpg[/IMG] East Front is coming back under control but I've clearly paid a high price for mismanaging the situation. I guess a second cost will be an early end to the war with a further bonus for the Allies at that stage. Anyway, I decide for the moment to try and contain the allies. Their airpower is dropping a bit (I guess units are having to rest) and I want to limit their capacity to expand their supply network. [IMG]http://img911.imageshack.us/img911/9034/Fj89Nb.jpg[/IMG]