SteveMcClaire -> RE: lobby issues, connection issues and more (8/26/2015 5:38:50 PM)
A few minutes should definitely be long enough. This problem sounds more like a loss of synchronization between host and client (or inviter and invitee) where one side sends a message and starts waiting for a response, but the other side either never gets the message, or it's response never arrives. And the one side ends up waiting for something the other side doesn't even know about. It's possible that firewalls could be involved, but the way it is intermittent makes me suspect not. Normally a firewall either blocks all your traffic or it blocks none. I wouldn't expect it to happen sporadically. The one thing the firewall definitely could effect is what sort of connection you make to your opponent. A direct connection can happen when the host has port 1944 open for incoming connections, and this is more efficient than a lobby connection. A direct connection is made automatically as long as the host player has this port open -- if it works you'll see 'DIRECT CONNECTION' on the lobby screen after you get connected to your opponent. If not it will say 'LOBBY CONNECTION.' Note that this will only influence performance /after/ you've connected to your opponent, so it won't have any effect on the problem of connecting in the first place. As for the back-end, I don't know the full details of how much traffic and/or bandwidth that has, sorry. We are continuing to look into this though. Steve