Did you really think I'd stop at One effort-post? (Full Version)

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Major_Mess -> Did you really think I'd stop at One effort-post? (8/27/2015 8:02:36 PM)

I will not stand still.

Nature abhors a vacuum, me ...... I'm not so strict. [:'(]
But, (and like a Kardashian, this is a big But) since no-one else has decided to do anything regarding the game - I'll do it, Damnit! I've done it!.


ORIGINAL: Major Mess
Talk to the Enhanced boys, talk to Major D. Speak out to everyone that has taken an interest in your game. It would take exactly One post on One Forum. Ask for permission to use their efforts. I can’t see where anyone would say no.

I have contacted the major players that drove the work required to improve this game. Nary a Soul said no to the "Project". I told you this community Rocks!


ORIGINAL: Major Mess
Bundle up the Enhanced Mod, along with anything else that adds value,

No more multiple update files to get the finished product, not any more!
Instead of rooting around the Internet to find everything, wouldn't it be nice to have all the latest mods and tools included with the game?
This has now also been done, the newest version of the ENH-FR Mod along with 10 tools are bundled in, including the latest versions of Fred Chlanda's most excellent programs.


ORIGINAL: Freyr Oakenshield
Revamping it so that it can run smoothly on modern W8.1/10 systems with no extra user fixes or external programs would suffice, as far as I am concerned...

Done, the game starts now with one click of the mouse. Again, thanks go out to the community.

Next post I'll count up how many Enhanced-FR Scenarios and Campaigns are available. Wouldn't it be nice to have all that included?
It sure would. [;)]

Respectfully Yours

Major Mess

Zap -> RE: Did you really think I'd stop at One effort-post? (8/28/2015 3:38:33 PM)

Nature abhors a vacuum, me ...... I'm not so strict. [:'(]
But, (and like a Kardashian, this is a big But) since no-one else has decided to do anything regarding the game - I'll do it, Damnit! I've done it!.


ORIGINAL: Major Mess
Talk to the Enhanced boys, talk to Major D. Speak out to everyone that has taken an interest in your game. It would take exactly One post on One Forum. Ask for permission to use their efforts. I can’t see where anyone would say no.

No more multiple update files to get the finished product, not any more!
Instead of rooting around the Internet to find everything, wouldn't it be nice to have all the latest mods and tools included with the game?
This has now also been done, the newest version of the ENH-FR Mod along with 10 tools are bundled in, including the latest versions of Fred Chlanda's most excellent programs.

Where is it found.

Alby -> RE: Did you really think I'd stop at One effort-post? (8/28/2015 4:55:54 PM)

Sounds great, good luck
it would be great to see all the work we did over the years Reborn!

Major_Mess -> RE: Did you really think I'd stop at One effort-post? (8/28/2015 5:41:41 PM)



Where is it found.

Right about now it is on a server, final preparations being made for release out in to the wild.


Major_Mess -> RE: Did you really think I'd stop at One effort-post? (8/28/2015 6:03:13 PM)

One Installer file - 741 MB in size.

This is SPWaW, bumped it up to fully-patched version 8.403 with the latest Enhanced-FR Mod installed on top - Modswapper not needed.

Additions to the base game - over and above what the ENH-FR mod installs:
- 996 *.lmb files from PIBWL
- 320 + Encyclopedia entries by Major Destruction
- 178 sound files by HexHammer, along with a dozen or so from Major D. <<<<<< the ambient sounds are awesome, way way better than the stock noises.
- 80 or so new Maps

- 255 + ENH-FR Scenarios
- 48 ENH-FR Campaigns
More of each to follow.

A couple of OOB's revised (Germany - 1 squad changed to remove FC rating / France - aircraft MG added)

Updated/Corrected in-game help files

- latest versions of both WaWMap and WaWEd
- Readme's for Chlanda's tools
- Campaign Watcher
- Map Thing
- Mr.Find
- Mr.Fix
- Mr.OOB
- Mr.Staff
- Scenario Wrangler
- SDQuickies
- Manuals and read.me's.

The installer will drop icons on the desktop for:
- Starting the game
- Mr.Find - an easy search tool for scens/campaigns/maps
- Matrix Manual
- Field Manual

The file structure has been cleaned up somewhat, and some of the cruft has been nuked. One deletion of note is all those grainy videos (the *.smk files) have been removed to help reduce the size of the D/L.

This has been tested, and confirmed that it works as is on Win Vista / XP / 8/8.1 / 10. Win 7 is still somewhat problematic, but some work-around files will also be provided if necessary (just upgrade to Win 10 fer Pete's sake!![:-]).

It's Coming......



Major Mess - My foot is sore, but I think I've spotted some light.

Major_Mess -> RE: Did you really think I'd stop at One effort-post? (8/28/2015 6:08:23 PM)

Page 1 of the Campaign screen.



Major_Mess -> RE: Did you really think I'd stop at One effort-post? (8/28/2015 6:09:45 PM)

Page 2

No more typing today for me - too busy.

See Y'all soon.




sami heimola -> RE: Did you really think I'd stop at One effort-post? (8/29/2015 8:41:25 AM)

Thanks about info Major[:)]. I recently updated my Windows 7 into 10 and noticed that I had removed Enhanced mod from SPWAW from some strange reason[X(]... But I'll wait until I can d/l all Enhanced stuff in same package[:'(]. Btw, that campaign list is quite impressive[X(]... I had earlier just some of those campaigns (maybe 10 or something like that). Hmm why that Korea and Airbourne campaigns are so "far" from others in list? Could you move them nearer others?

Alby -> RE: Did you really think I'd stop at One effort-post? (8/29/2015 8:39:58 PM)


JEB Davis -> RE: Did you really think I'd stop at One effort-post? (8/30/2015 12:37:38 AM)

[&o][&o][&o] Now it's NOT a major mess anymore!!! [&o][&o][&o] [;)]

Turtler -> RE: Did you really think I'd stop at One effort-post? (8/30/2015 1:55:45 AM)

Sir! I do believe we will promote you to Field Marshal- if not Divine Emperor- Mess now! In all due seriousness, but I do think this is nothing ls than a Gift from God through you (small sure, but still). And I mean that literally. I don't like wild exaggeration or taking the Lord's name in vain, s but I don't think it's inaccurate to call that here. Marshal Mess sounds about fitting for this.

If what you say is true, it looks like you've re-invented the Wheel and made something close to THE REAL, Definitive version of SPWAW. This thing would be more worthy of a link on the Matrix Download section than that has seen in a Long, Long time. And if you managed to take everything the vanilla install had you could pretty much make it obsolete (outside of maybe the Mega Campaigns.....). Especially if it fixes the problems people have mentioned about the game not working for them. In which case.... what more really needs to be said?

You'd deserve the gratitude of everybody who still likes this game and all future fans to come. You'd have brought us back into the running with the Shrapnel versions, and I think everybody would be right to raise you up on their shoulders (...but mine would hurt...).

You did not stand still, and because of that you will stand Tall if all this works out. And it would be one hell of a light...

That being said... there is this one thing that came to mind.


ORIGINAL: Major Mess

The file structure has been cleaned up somewhat, and some of the cruft has been nuked. One deletion of note is all those grainy videos (the *.smk files) have been removed to help reduce the size of the D/L.

What exactly is "Cruft"?

Maybe this is just some initial hesitation or surprise at seeing it for the first time, but the mention of the videos makes me question. I don't know about anybody else, but I always thought having those play added something nice. I've had a few cases where they've bugged out, and the contrast to watching a blank screen would be jarring.

I hate to ask this, but

A: Could you list what exactly is the Cruft you nuked, and

B: Maybe provide a version of the Installer containing it, for those of us who don't care about download speed or size but do like the feelies?

Sorry for the bother.


ORIGINAL: Major Mess
It's Coming......


Oh God yes.... I hope it is so!

Zap -> RE: Did you really think I'd stop at One effort-post? (8/30/2015 5:06:59 AM)

+1 thank you, sir

Rodwonder -> RE: Did you really think I'd stop at One effort-post? (8/30/2015 11:08:27 AM)

I haven't been able to play SP WAW since 2007... This is great news!!!

Major_Mess -> RE: Did you really think I'd stop at One effort-post? (8/31/2015 1:06:36 AM)

Hi Guys/Girls


ORIGINAL: sami heimola

........ Hmm why that Korea and Airbourne campaigns are so "far" from others in list? Could you move them nearer others?

I envision more Korea Campaigns in the near future, so I kept it separate. I have done the same with the 16 Korea scens loaded on the soon to be released game. (psssst - and also for the 8 'Nam scens)

That airborne Campaign is kinda different from the rest. I thought that it might also spawn other Campaigns of that type. I dunno. It kinda made sense to my flavor of OCD hahaha.
Anyhoo, it's too late now, the Train has left the Station.



A: Could you list what exactly is the Cruft you nuked, and

All that I deleted was duplicate files .pal / .lbm files that were floating around. Removed the TEXT NOTES folder after moving the 2 Icon guides elsewhere. Everything else in that folder was either a duplicate or was redundant. Lost the "RegisterYourGame.url. Got rid of the V4.3 OOB Editor cuz we have V5.0 now. Anything to do with autorun was also terminated - I believe even Matrix in the day suggested avoidance of that "feature". I kiboshed a few .doc's and .pdf's that were no longer relevant.

I left out the Chlanda Folder, and on reflection I probably should have kept that. At the time I figured that there's probably all of a half-dozen people in the world that have tried / or even understand everything his tools can do. I shoulda done better though.
Sigh .....

I'm pretty sure that's about it.


B: Maybe provide a version of the Installer containing it (<<<<my Edit: he means the videos<<<), for those of us who don't care about download speed or size but do like the feelies?

No problem, the easiest fix I can see would be to just copy those .smk files from a stock install, and plunk them in to the same place on the ENH-FR version.
FOO-BAH!! Your vids are rockin' [:)]
You can find those .smk files in the SND folder, inside of that is a stream folder. drop 'em there.


Sorry for the bother.

Hahaha, no bother at all dude. If I was running a more professional outfit than what I am we'd have a lot more of this documented, but we don't.

So ask away!!!!!!

One thing I guess I should mention is when this is going to arrive ......


Major Mess

Major_Mess -> RE: Did you really think I'd stop at One effort-post? (8/31/2015 1:08:24 AM)

September 4th, 2015
1200 PST

Alby -> RE: Did you really think I'd stop at One effort-post? (8/31/2015 3:19:06 AM)

so one question, a bit premature but...
should current SPWAW on our pc's be removed before your install or ....?

Turtler -> RE: Did you really think I'd stop at One effort-post? (8/31/2015 7:31:57 AM)


ORIGINAL: Major Mess

I envision more Korea Campaigns in the near future, so I kept it separate. I have done the same with the 16 Korea scens loaded on the soon to be released game. (psssst - and also for the 8 'Nam scens)

Well, this definitely raises my eyebrows. Korea is always something I believe that needs a lot more love. And I'd be interested in looking at it.

As for the Nam.... do you mean the French War (and the stuff surrounding it like WWII/Pre-WWII), the "American" one, or both? Or some combination of the two?

A couple of other conflicts I've felt could always do with some more love would be the first Indo-Pakistani War, the 1948 Israeli War of Independence, and maybe the Indonesian Revolution. They're all three major wars that the game and current OOBs are well equipped to handle, but oddly enough the only one that has popped up is this heavily modded one for the Yom Kippur War.


ORIGINAL: Major Mess That airborne Campaign is kinda different from the rest. I thought that it might also spawn other Campaigns of that type. I dunno. It kinda made sense to my flavor of OCD hahaha.
Anyhoo, it's too late now, the Train has left the Station.


But as for the "It's too late now", if there's one thing I'd hope doing all this for a long, old game has taught you, it's that it is virtually *Never* too late.


ORIGINAL:Major Mess All that I deleted was duplicate files .pal / .lbm files that were floating around. Removed the TEXT NOTES folder after moving the 2 Icon guides elsewhere. Everything else in that folder was either a duplicate or was redundant. Lost the "RegisterYourGame.url. Got rid of the V4.3 OOB Editor cuz we have V5.0 now. Anything to do with autorun was also terminated - I believe even Matrix in the day suggested avoidance of that "feature". I kiboshed a few .doc's and .pdf's that were no longer relevant.

I left out the Chlanda Folder, and on reflection I probably should have kept that. At the time I figured that there's probably all of a half-dozen people in the world that have tried / or even understand everything his tools can do. I shoulda done better though.
Sigh .....

I'm pretty sure that's about it.

I hear. A few things that came to mind. You can put the Chlanda folder back in. I have a copy I could send you, for one.


ORIGINAL: Major Mess

B: Maybe provide a version of the Installer containing it (<<<<my Edit: he means the videos<<<), for those of us who don't care about download speed or size but do like the feelies?

No problem, the easiest fix I can see would be to just copy those .smk files from a stock install, and plunk them in to the same place on the ENH-FR version.
FOO-BAH!! Your vids are rockin' [:)]
You can find those .smk files in the SND folder, inside of that is a stream folder. drop 'em there.

Sure sure sure. But the issue is that would require a stock install, when one of the great strengths of this project is being able to bypass that. So I'd still suggest some kind of alternate installer for those who want it. That way you might even be able to make the stock installs obsolete.


ORIGINAL: Major Mess Hahaha, no bother at all dude. If I was running a more professional outfit than what I am we'd have a lot more of this documented, but we don't.

So ask away!!!!!!

Thanks. And trust me, the fact that you're not running that professional an outfit and yet managed to do something that even a far more professional outfit (I'm looking at you Matrix........) didn't is amazing.

Cheers indeed!

Major_Mess -> RE: Did you really think I'd stop at One effort-post? (8/31/2015 4:07:53 PM)



so one question, a bit premature but...
should current SPWAW on our pc's be removed before your install or ....?

A good Q non-the-less Alby.[:)]

he answer is Nope!. The installer will allow the program to be installed anywhere on your machine. The default is set to park that bad-boy on the C-drive. As with the original, you can have as many versions on your HD as you wish.



Alby -> RE: Did you really think I'd stop at One effort-post? (9/1/2015 5:24:36 PM)

ok, so if I only want your install on my PC, I have no need to keep the current one I have, correct?

Major_Mess -> RE: Did you really think I'd stop at One effort-post? (9/1/2015 10:43:07 PM)

Hi ......

I've been busy moving, so I haven't been able to respond as I'd like.



Questionsquestionsquestions [:)]

You gotta remember Turtler that MB's cost $$$ at the server end. Nuthin's really free .....

Vietnam scenarios - '49 to about '54 IIRC.
There is a Dien Bien Phu campaign out there, but it's waaaaaaay out-of whack. I'm thinkin' that I'd like to deconstruct - then reconstruct the campaign to more accurately reflect the OOB's at least. Thats for the future, but I digress.[:'(]

As far as Project X: What's done is done. No more additions / revisions / philosophical changes of focus / second thoughts / regrets / negotiations or any other distraction that will delay it's release date.

FWIW, the installer package that's being used allows incremental updates, so on top of monthly/by-monthly update packages with new scens (sometimes even a Campaign maybe [;)]), other items such as OOB corrections/additions, ummmmmmm terrain graphics (new roads are #1 on my list) etc etc etc can be easily applied. I figure any update that isn't a scen/campaign would require a version revision, making it easier for all to keep up to date.

My hope is that with a bit of planning (and luck), a degree of uniformity can be applied here.

And again, anything of value from anywhere would be considered for inclusion in the future. Why Not?



ok, so if I only want your install on my PC, I have no need to keep the current one I have, correct?



Major_Mess -> RE: Did you really think I'd stop at One effort-post? (9/1/2015 11:43:25 PM)

September 4th, 2015
1200 PST

Ummmmmmmmmmm, Where do I go to get that damn D/L.

Sometime Friday at about 1200 PST you'll find yourself in front of a computer screen, and directing your favorite browser to:

The Depot - "The Official Support Site" of SPWaW.

We're Officially doing some Supporting of this fine game.

A new sub-forum has been created, the link that you'll want is


My wish is that you enjoy this little project of mine.
I truly hope I haven't stepped on anyone's toes, overstepped my boundaries or upset anyone in any way to any great degree.
The Depot Disclaimer that is bundled with the game explains things better than I can here.

Thanks to Matrix for maintaining these Forums so that I could vent and whine and rage and laugh and plan and plot and refer to all the gold that is in these threads. Oh Yeah, and also for being real cool about this whole caper so far. [:D]

Cheers to all of you,
you can find me over at the Depot, my "name" there is iskaput.

Major.Mess.is.kaput___________________________get it??[:)]

later dudes/dudettes [sm=Cool-049.gif]

PS: hahahaha ...It looks like I might have to change my sig now [sm=00000280.gif]


Alby -> RE: Did you really think I'd stop at One effort-post? (9/2/2015 7:24:56 PM)

Thanks again Buddy!
I been playing daily now, getting my butt kicked by Wild Bills campaigns..lol

sami heimola -> RE: Did you really think I'd stop at One effort-post? (9/4/2015 1:54:29 PM)

Hmm is it already available or not[&:] If I understood right, 12.00 PST is 10.00 PM (or something like that) Helsinki time[8|]...

Major_Mess -> RE: Did you really think I'd stop at One effort-post? (9/4/2015 4:03:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: sami heimola

Hmm is it already available or not[&:] If I understood right, 12.00 PST is 10.00 PM (or something like that) Helsinki time[8|]...

Nope Sami ..... right now it's 0900 on the West Coast. We're just under 3 hours until go time.
Right now I'm shoveling some coal into the furnace, once we've built up enough steam the server will fire up right away.
At least it did last week. [:)]

Fear Not.


ORIGINAL: Major Mess
It's Coming......



Major Mess

Alby -> RE: Did you really think I'd stop at One effort-post? (9/4/2015 4:17:21 PM)


Major_Mess -> RE: Did you really think I'd stop at One effort-post? (9/4/2015 5:14:51 PM)

Everybody's Lookin'


Major_Mess -> RE: Did you really think I'd stop at One effort-post? (9/4/2015 6:03:15 PM)

The Server is being fired up!



Major_Mess -> RE: Did you really think I'd stop at One effort-post? (9/4/2015 6:14:09 PM)



Major_Mess -> RE: Did you really think I'd stop at One effort-post? (9/4/2015 6:43:10 PM)


The files have been uploaded, we're online and Good to Go. [:)]

Good Gaming Everyone!

See ya later.

Major Mess

dox44 -> RE: Did you really think I'd stop at One effort-post? (9/4/2015 7:25:27 PM)

hey thanks!

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