Base Building (Full Version)

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mandt -> Base Building (3/21/2003 4:09:05 AM)

I'm pretty new to UV, perhaps only 20-30 hours so far, so forgive me if this questiion has laready been asked.

Do yo need to do anything specific to initiate the building of a Base?

I am currently playing one of the longer scenarios that starts in early 43. In late February, I invaded the Russel Islands (pretty much according to history). I presently have an infantry regiment, two engineer and a base unit there with a load of supplies. However, after a month there is still no base at all. In fact the little dot is still "red."

Is there something else I need to do?


Oops. i just read the FAQs above. It says that you must first "capture" the dot. I've directed my infantry unit to use a "shock attack" a number of times so far, but it doesn't attack. So....?

bilbow -> (3/21/2003 4:21:14 AM)

You have to phsically assault the "red dot"- it is still technically a Japanese base even though you occupy it. Once you assault and "take" it, it wil turn green and then you can build.

mandt -> (3/21/2003 4:51:16 AM)

Thanks. I'll just keep on attacking then. ;)

Mr.Frag -> (3/21/2003 5:08:18 AM)

An empty dot falls instantly to an attack. Are you sure you used deliberate or shock vs bombard? Basically all it takes is 1 guy with a gun to take the dot spots that do not have troops defending.

It is also possible that your troops after sitting there with no supply for a month are completely disabled. Bring up the detail panel for the unit and check that it has troops left that can attack.

You will see something like

Army Squad (12) x 0

That means the unit has 12 squads but they are all disabled and unable to attack.

Admiral DadMan -> (3/21/2003 7:32:16 AM)

the unit you're using must have an "Assault" Value to capture a base

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